Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

#WATWB After Decade of Historic Growth, Wind Power is Now the Most-Used Renewable Energy Source in US

 By Good News Network - Feb 27, 2020 For the first time in U.S. history, the amount of electric power generated from wind in 2019 exceeded the amount sourced from hydroelectric. Photo by the Energy Information Administration According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s newly-released Electric Power Monthly, the exciting milestone means that wind is now the top renewable source… Continue reading #WATWB After Decade of Historic Growth, Wind Power is Now the Most-Used Renewable Energy Source in US

Moving Forward

7 Years After My Diagnosis — Guest Blogger Lyme Light Fight

This week marks the 7 year anniversary of my diagnosis with Lyme Disease. Before that I lived with (or rather, slowly succumbed to) this debilitating disease for 5 years. After my diagnosis, it took another 3 years of treatment before I was finally Lyme-free. Then I relapsed a year later, but beat it again after […]7… Continue reading 7 Years After My Diagnosis — Guest Blogger Lyme Light Fight

Men & Womens Health

Lyme Progress #9 Don’t Inspect–What To Expect

Update February 27, 2020 Warm weather is right around the corner, I know some of us are experiencing freezing weather but Spring is around the corner. The south will start to feel great outdoor weather in a matter of weeks. Lyme has left made my life hell, I don't want you or anyone you love… Continue reading Lyme Progress #9 Don’t Inspect–What To Expect

Men & Womens Health

Seven herbal medicines can kill Lyme disease bacteria in test tube

News 21FEB2020 Researchers have determined that seven herbal medicines are highly active in test tubes against B. burgdorferi, the bacteriathat causes Lyme disease, compared to the control antibiotics, doxycycline and cefuroxime. Published in the journalFrontiers in Medicine, the laboratory study was funded by the Bay Area Lyme Foundation and supported in part by The Steven & Alexandra… Continue reading Seven herbal medicines can kill Lyme disease bacteria in test tube

Men & Womens Health

The Tick Expert on the Go

I found this app today and it sounds like a great resource, or the best resource we have to date. Please check it out. Melinda By: Bieneke Bron, Maria del Pilar Fernandez, Pallavi Kache, University of Wisconsin - Madison & Columbia University04 June 2019 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number… Continue reading The Tick Expert on the Go

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Touched by Suicide

Twenty-eight years ago my father killed himself, I was twenty-eight years old. It's strange that my father has been dead as long as he was alive in my life. I've written about his suicide many times over the years but this year feels different. It's hard to put into words but I'll share what words… Continue reading Touched by Suicide

Men & Womens Health

A Mother Finds Her Chronic Pain Tribe

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You  Posted on January 11, 2020 by Jennifer Potter There was a time in my life when I was genuinely lonely. I reverently refer to it as my “whitewashed life” because for the outsider looking in, my actions gave the appearance of being pleasantly put together, all nice and clean.… Continue reading A Mother Finds Her Chronic Pain Tribe