Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Different Ways To Detox

It shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise to find that everything we put into our bodies, either on purpose or accidentally (such as food, drink, pollutants in the air, and so on), will have some effect on it. This could be a good thing, such as eating the right foods and filling our… Continue reading Different Ways To Detox

Celebrate Life · Fun

#Weekend Music Share *Tough People Do

It's the weekend, I'm so glad you've joined me. This request is from my husband. He knows how much I appreciate the grit of the older generation of my grandparent's days. My grandparents overcame so much poverty before and after the war, my granny was a single mother until she married my gramps in 1950.… Continue reading #Weekend Music Share *Tough People Do

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

6 Different Home Types You Should Consider For Your Family

Every family needs a safe and secure place to call home - this is why housing is a significant global issue, as many families seek decent and affordable accommodations. According to the World Property Journal, the US real estate market is worth about $33.6 trillion. There are several residence options suitable for families. Are you… Continue reading 6 Different Home Types You Should Consider For Your Family

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Child-Parent Alienation Is A Form Of Abuse

In the modern world of divorce, we are seeing that fathers are being left behind. Child separation from their parents, no matter if it's the father or the mother, is traumatic. They will find themselves without one half of their guiding light and they will have a lesser view of the world because of it.… Continue reading Child-Parent Alienation Is A Form Of Abuse

Fun · Travel

#Wordless Wednesday Washington D.C. Monuments

Hi, it's Wednesday! I'm so glad you're here! These are three very important monuments in Washington, D.C., I hope you enjoy them. Pardon the date stamp, my husband forgot to turn it off. WWII Memorial Washington D.C. Korean War Memorial Washington D.C. Vietnam Memorial Wall In Health, Melinda

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

10 Most Popular Superfoods

Over the years, you might have heard the term ‘superfood’ used increasingly. But what really does it mean? Well, in simple terms, these are foods that are packed with nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, and so are associated with positive impacts on your health. But how do you know what superfoods to eat… Continue reading 10 Most Popular Superfoods

Men & Womens Health

Essential Parenting Tips You Need to Work on Right Now

Photo by cottonbro on Being a parent is never easy, and this is something you need to make the most of right now. Try to do as much as possible to figure out what it takes to be a better parent. There are so many things you need to keep in mind that can… Continue reading Essential Parenting Tips You Need to Work on Right Now

Men & Womens Health

5 Basic Tips for Finding Your Dream Home

Photo by Binyamin Mellish on   Whether you’re just getting on the property ladder or you’re moving to a larger home, finding the right property is essential. When you’re searching for your dream home, you don’t want to rush the process. By taking your time and waiting for the right property to come on… Continue reading 5 Basic Tips for Finding Your Dream Home

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Warren Applauds Final Senate Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Address Opioid Crisis

What is the problem with this law? The Reducing Unused Medications Act of 2016 ensures doctors and patients KNOW about the ability to partial fill a prescription. One, doctors already know how to write prescriptions for so many days, I've experienced this myself after my knee surgery. I was given one week of pain medication,… Continue reading Warren Applauds Final Senate Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Address Opioid Crisis