Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Want COVID 19 Vaccine In America?

Wait your turn! Take what vaccine comes your way first! I've kept my mouth shut thru the entire COVID crisis, not one post. Today is my day.  In order for the WORLD to kick the COVID  19 virus and prepare for the next killer virus, 70-80% of the world population has to take the vaccine… Continue reading Want COVID 19 Vaccine In America?

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

What Outdoor Structures Can Be Used For

We regularly think of our home as one big building. We tend not to even think of our gardens as being truly part of the property per se. This is because it's easy to become more attached to the space that we live in day after day than the space that we hardly visit. This… Continue reading What Outdoor Structures Can Be Used For

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Reasons You Might Experience Hair Loss

Hair loss can affect anyone, whether male or female. When you start to experience your hair falling out, it can be shocking, especially if you’re still young. Typically, people expect hair loss to happen closer to middle age, but there are many examples of people experiencing it in their twenties. This can severely impact your… Continue reading Reasons You Might Experience Hair Loss

Celebrate Life · Fun

#Weekend Music Share with * Lean On me

It's the weekend!!!!!! I'm so glad you've joined me this week for another edition of Weekend Music Share. I love music, all types of music, and can't imagine life without music as a backdrop. I know many of you feel the same way, I've read your comments over the years and know how much music… Continue reading #Weekend Music Share with * Lean On me

Men & Womens Health

The Hero’s Journey — Guest Blogger Shedding Light on Mental Health

Imagine you’re the hero in one of your favorite movies. In a hero’s journey the character sets out from his home to learn, grow and “get beat up” from life experiences. The hero faces villains along the way and overcomes many obstacles. The hero then comes home and helps everyone around him. The Pandemic has […]The… Continue reading The Hero’s Journey — Guest Blogger Shedding Light on Mental Health

Men & Womens Health

The 70 Year Storm: A Week Without Water

 I want to say first that we are totally blessed!!!!!!! I have nothing to complain about by a small inconvenience when people have lost everything they owed , have no where to live, and still have no running water and electricity. This storm didn't catch us by surprise but the magnitude of it did. There… Continue reading The 70 Year Storm: A Week Without Water

Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

The Osbournes Open Up About Addiction and How the Family Finally Found Recovery

Variety By Marc Malkin Ozzy Osbourne is finally in a good place. The 72-year-old rock legend, whose battle with alcoholism and drug addiction began in the 1970s, has been sober for about seven years. “I thought I’d be drinking to the day I die,” says Osbourne, who took the first of his many trips to rehab back… Continue reading The Osbournes Open Up About Addiction and How the Family Finally Found Recovery