Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

10 tips for cultivating creativity in your kids

IDEAS.TED.COM Mar 31, 2020 / Mitch Resnick Turns out, it’s less about “teaching” creativity to children — and more about creating a fertile environment in which their creativity will take root, grow and flourish. Researcher Mitch Resnick, director of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT, explains how we can do this. There’s a common misconception that the… Continue reading 10 tips for cultivating creativity in your kids

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Sleep: What is the sweet spot? — Guest Blogger Soul Script

The reality is when you’re in your optimal sleep groove, pretty much everything else in life corrects itself. How much is best? Well, it depends on the individual. Too much or too little sleep has been linked to impaired brain function. Older adults who consistently get 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night delay […]… Continue reading Sleep: What is the sweet spot? — Guest Blogger Soul Script

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Could the ways you cope with stress be undermining you? Here are healthier ways to respond

IDEAS.TED.COM Sep 7, 2021 / Wendy Suzuki PhD Good Anxiety is the title of the new book from NYU neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki PhD — but it’s one that will surprise those of us who think of anxiety as strictly bad news. However, through her work, Suzuki has come to find, as she writes, that “anxiety… Continue reading Could the ways you cope with stress be undermining you? Here are healthier ways to respond

Celebrate Life · Fun

Today in History November 28, 2021

Welcome to the Weekend Edition of Today in History. I'm so glad you're enjoying the post. Have an awesome weekend. 1942 Jimi Hendrix born Guitar legend Jimi Hendrix is born in Seattle. Hendrix grew up playing guitar, imitating blues greats like Muddy Waters as well as early rockers. He joined the army in 1959 and… Continue reading Today in History November 28, 2021

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

What Really Matters in Life? — Guest Blogger Don’t Lose Hope

Trauma causes us to question our beliefs. Now there’s sand beneath our feet, not the solid ground we thought. When this happens in our life, we can feel destabilized. Everything’s been stripped away, nothing’s certain any more. It’s at desperate times like these when the scales fall from our eyes … that we learn important […]What… Continue reading What Really Matters in Life? — Guest Blogger Don’t Lose Hope

Celebrate Life · Fun

Fun Facts That Will Amaze You

I'm so glad you are enjoying this weekend tradition of Fun Facts. I learn something new each week, even if it's weird. I love hearing your comments!    Charles Darwin invented the modern office chair when he added wheels to his own chair, so he could move around his office easier The term "coccyx" (also… Continue reading Fun Facts That Will Amaze You

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

4 Signs You Should Pay A Visit To A Medical Professional

Visiting your doctor is something that’s encouraged that you do every now and then, but is there really a need for it? Well, depending on the individual, you might have to either visit frequently or not at all. Your needs are most important, but it’s encouraged that you make sure you’ve had your health checked… Continue reading 4 Signs You Should Pay A Visit To A Medical Professional