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How NOT To Cope with Your Divorce

First off, mad props to you for venturing into the next chapter of your life. Divorce, while super tough, can be the start of something beautiful (like owning the entire bed and never having to share the TV remote!). But, as with anything in life, there’s a right way to handle it and a slew of ways to totally muck it up.

Before we delve into the world of “post-divorce no-nos,” let’s remember one thing: This isn’t a manual on how to live your life going forward. Think of this as a cheeky guide from a well-meaning buddy who’s seen one too many pals down a pint of ice cream while watching ‘The Notebook” for the millionth time. So, without further ado, here’s our list of how not to cope with your divorce:

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Subsisting Solely on Ben & Jerry’s

While those pints of Phish Food and Chunky Monkey might seem like your BFFs right now, they’re not equipped to handle emotional baggage. Go ahead, indulge once in a while, but don’t make it a three-meals-a-day kind of deal. Once you’ve dealt with your State 48 law divorce and you’re feeling low you need to feed your body a nutritious diet to help you get through the stress as healthily as possible.

Online Stalking

Even though you might really, really want to, you need to resist the urge to go full-on FBI agent on your ex’s social media. Trust us, knowing what they had for breakfast or seeing their vacation photos won’t help your healing process. It will just leave you hung up for longer than you need to be when you need to be focused on moving on.

Getting a Wild Makeover

While it might be tempting to dye your hair neon green or tattoo “Divorced & Thriving” on your forearm, take the time to give it a bit of thought. Changes are great, but impulsivity? Not so much. Sometimes, we react to the loss by doing something crazy only to regret it soon after, so wait for a month or two, and if you still want to make that change, go for it.

Booze Bonanza

A glass of wine? Sure! Downing an entire bottle while listening to sad ballads? Probably not the best idea. Alcohol might numb the pain temporarily, but it’s not a lasting solution, and could even lead to addiction down the line which would not be the kind of situation you want to find yourself in.

Jumping Back into the Dating Pool. Immediately

Slow your roll! Enjoy some “me-time” before hopping onto dating apps. Your heart needs some tender, loving care, not a rebound. Dating too soon after the breakup could lead to some poor decisions only ur part and that will just mean another breakup soon down the line, Give yourself time to heal before you get back on the scene.

Divorce is hard, so give yourself a break, give yourself time, and try to avoid the less-than-ideal habits above.

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