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There was a time when I would have liked to have my post reblogged over and over. Today however I feel quite differently. I reblog as you know but I do it based on posts that hit the mark, have information I know you will enjoy and ones that move me deeply, and of course great photography but it’s not to build my blog. Building a community is more important than building a number, which frankly means nothing without engagement. I’ve encountered several bloggers in the past 4 months who build their blogs simply by reblogging other’s posts. To some that is cool but for me it’s not

I want people to connect with my post and reblog when it hits them, not every damn post. 

WordPress doesn’t allow you to approve reblogs, you will get a comment showing it was reblogged and asking you to approve but it doesn’t mean anything because the post is already live on the other site. BIG FLAW, but let’s not go down the rabbit hole.

Photo by Pixabay on

This is where Cote Lumiere, Light Side blog comes in, they have been reblogging all of my Blogger Highlight posts for a couple of months, they have never spoken to me and you can’t send them a message. When you try as I did yesterday, the message comes back to me. Below is a comment I sent them, of course, it came to me. 

“I don’t think that building a blog on others’ work even when credit is given is cool. Please don’t reblog my post any longer or I will write a post and call you, especially for what you are doing with people’s content. The other blogs you repost from will not appreciate it and your followers if any will leave or they deserve you. Stop now!”

You may think my comment is harsh, and it is. While I am glad the bloggers from the Blogger Highlight series are getting exposure, they may not like this tactic either. People need to have a choice and that is not being given. Several months ago I thought about turning my reblog button off but that isn’t the way to tackle this issue. I love it when people connect with a post and want to share it and I love being able to do the same. 

I’m not into numbers, only connections, great content. and learning. 

They don’t follow me and won’t see this post but I wanted you to know this is happening and maybe happening to you. if you don’t mind, that’s cool, if you do, take action. At the moment I don’t feel WordPress offers any solution, just problems but I may come up with something so they will get my message. Nothing nasty or illegal, many something, maybe not. 

Please share your thoughts, you may see an upside here. 


11 thoughts on “CÔTÉ LUMIÈRE, LIGHT SIDE Is On My Bad Side, Why?

  1. Sometimes, I’m not even notified when someone reposts my stuff. I have to go searching for it in the word press search feature.

    1. The key issue here is that WP doesn’t have a true approval process, once reblogged it’s published. WP isn’t going to change, we know that of sure. I have gone directly to a site once who did not give me credit for the post. Life as a blogger? 🙂

  2. I used to be flattered, but not so much now. There’s one blogger who fills and dominates my notifications so I only look at comments now. Makes me roll my eyes.

  3. 🫤 Frustrating. And I don’t see the point blogs like that. This ranks up there with people who like 5 of my posts in the span of 10 seconds. And those who visit for the first time and say, “Follow me.”

  4. I do this of my blog since years, it’s the continuation of – Collection about light works, happenings, events in several meanings. Like heritage database. The documentation of light workers “story” in several meanings and understandings. Light workers like engineering, religious, psychologie or art. A I’m for example an artist working with the light and a researcher alreay wrote several essay about the subject in several languages. I thought your opinion is a an opinion as well for the subject. If you read my blogs you can know more about the subject on different levels. For example how many expression exist in different languages about the subjec. How many meanings. Or how the story of light workers goes throught the news. I even write about new point of view about the phenomena which is my work for example as intellectual property. And if I would mention something I had a webpage on YOLA webpage maker in the past. So I don’t understand what you reached you what you didn’t liked, or not agreed.

    1. I’m sure your blogs are nice and have a wealth of knowledge. I didn’t single you out and if you want to build a blog that way, you have every right. there is not a right or wrong way. I wrote my feelings about how my post were being used. It’s no reflection on you. Have a great day. 🙂

  5. I see this as well, Melinda, and I agree. I really don’t mind my posts being reposted on sites that are simply built on other people’s posts, but I don’t know why anyone would follow such a site.

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