Men & Womens Health

Sudanese Mother Mariam Yehya Ibrahim Gave Birth in Prison to Baby Girl

May 27, 2014 Thank you so much for signing the petition to #saveMariam. This morning Mariam gave birth in prison to a baby girl. Her husband has not yet been allowed to visit Mariam and her newborn baby. Her young son also remains with her in prison. Media reports ( state that she will be… Continue reading Sudanese Mother Mariam Yehya Ibrahim Gave Birth in Prison to Baby Girl

Moving Forward · Survivor

Get the Media out of the Trenches!

Post written 2/7/06 It’s relevant today as the day written. Time to dust it off. Let’s hear what you think. This week several journalist, American and Iraqi soldiers died in an attack while outside their vehicle doing an interview. Journalist Bob Woodruf isn’t even back to work from his brush with death and now a… Continue reading Get the Media out of the Trenches!


Russian Gothic Architecture

  I visited St. Petersburg, Russia in 2001 shortly after 9-11 happened. I was boarding my plane when the first tower has hit. When air restrictions lifted, I left with a heavy heart yet thankful for a distraction. Nothing says adventure like traveling alone half way around the globe not knowing the language. I didn’t… Continue reading Russian Gothic Architecture

Men & Womens Health

Some Countries Spend More On Domestic Violence Costs Than On Primary Education: Report

Food for thought.


 | by  Rebecca Klein

Screenshot 2014-05-19 07.09.06

A report out this week from the World Bank Group examined some of the challenges facing women around the world and uncovered some unequivocally devastating finds. As shown in the map below, a significant share of women, especially in Africa and South Asia, have experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner during their lifetime.

Click here to read the article.

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Men & Womens Health

Pianists’ Live Improv

Live & Learn

I’ve featured Ólafur Arnalds & Nils Frahm previously on separate posts titled: Near Light and Said & Done.  Now the two solo artists come together to create a new song live in front of an intimate audience at Roter Salon, Volksbühne Berlin.  The musicians test/practise with the new equipment up to the ~ 2:20 mark on the video and the improvision starts from there.

Genius. And Magic.

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Men & Womens Health

Pianists' Live Improv

Live & Learn

I’ve featured Ólafur Arnalds & Nils Frahm previously on separate posts titled: Near Light and Said & Done.  Now the two solo artists come together to create a new song live in front of an intimate audience at Roter Salon, Volksbühne Berlin.  The musicians test/practise with the new equipment up to the ~ 2:20 mark on the video and the improvision starts from there.

Genius. And Magic.

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Men & Womens Health

Sudan Sentenced (Flogging/Death) Women 8 months Pregnant For Not Recanting Christian Faith

Please read the horrific story of a Sudanese mother, doctor and Christian sentenced to flogging and death unless she recants her Christian faith. Mariam is 8 months pregnant and has a two-year old son.   Government of Sudan: Don't execute 8 months pregnant Mariam Yehya Ibrahim for being Christian By Emily Clarke Malmesbury   Sign… Continue reading Sudan Sentenced (Flogging/Death) Women 8 months Pregnant For Not Recanting Christian Faith