Men & Womens Health

Yemen votes on Child Rights Act which includes end of Female Genital Mutilation

Yemen is looking to end child marriages and FGM through the Child Rights Act. The new law would establish minimum age of 18 for marriage and end FGM. A positive vote will meet minimum International Human Rights standards. Yemen is leading the way to end the horrific use of Female Genital Mutilation. My hope is other… Continue reading Yemen votes on Child Rights Act which includes end of Female Genital Mutilation

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward · Survivor

Washington Doesn’t Want to Talk About Vaginas

Jaha Dukureh is a survivor, driven with incredible inner strength. This article is a great follow-up to the post I wrote on Female Genital Mutilation.  This is the worst form of abuse on children and women. I can appreciate bringing traditions when moving to America. Female Genital Mutilation is a tradition not excepted in America. The… Continue reading Washington Doesn’t Want to Talk About Vaginas

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward · Survivor

Washington Doesn't Want to Talk About Vaginas

Jaha Dukureh is a survivor, driven with incredible inner strength. This article is a great follow-up to the post I wrote on Female Genital Mutilation.  This is the worst form of abuse on children and women. I can appreciate bringing traditions when moving to America. Female Genital Mutilation is a tradition not excepted in America. The… Continue reading Washington Doesn't Want to Talk About Vaginas

Moving Forward · Survivor

Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network (RAINN) Monthly Update

Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network         RAINN MONTHLY UPDATE http://RAINN.ORG Online Help - 1.800.656.HOPE (4673) RAINN: The nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. One of "America's 100 Best Charities" -Worth magazine House Votes to Renew DNA Bill A bill to renew the Debbie Smith Act, which would help eliminate the backlog of untested… Continue reading Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network (RAINN) Monthly Update

Men & Womens Health

Terrorist Convert Hundreds of Schoolgirls To Muslims? NOT!

Does BoKo Haram think we are ignorant? What child would not comply with a machine gun pointed at her? We are not ignorant and you will be held ACCOUNTABLE. If you were one of the almost 300 schoolgirls kidnapped almost a month ago by terrorist, wouldn't you say anything with machine guns pointing at you?… Continue reading Terrorist Convert Hundreds of Schoolgirls To Muslims? NOT!

Men & Womens Health

Take Action for Children’s Mental Health

National Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Update on National Children's Mental Health Awareness Week 2014 TAKE ACTION for Children's Mental Health National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, May 4-10, helps raise awareness around children's mental health. This week NAMI joins communities around the country in raising awareness about the mental health needs of America’s youngest citizens.… Continue reading Take Action for Children’s Mental Health

Men & Womens Health

Take Action for Children's Mental Health

National Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Update on National Children's Mental Health Awareness Week 2014 TAKE ACTION for Children's Mental Health National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, May 4-10, helps raise awareness around children's mental health. This week NAMI joins communities around the country in raising awareness about the mental health needs of America’s youngest citizens.… Continue reading Take Action for Children's Mental Health


Terrorist BoKo Haram and Nigerian Government #BringBackOurGirls

I met two women bloggers living in Nigeria last week while looking for information on the kidnapped schoolgirls. They welcomed me with open arms and were patient answering all my questions. I wanted an understanding of the country in hopes of making sense of almost 300 schoolgirls being kidnapped. Not to mention 1,500 people killed… Continue reading Terrorist BoKo Haram and Nigerian Government #BringBackOurGirls

Men & Womens Health

Oh, Nigeria

Poesy plus Polemics

what terror murders innocence
for yearning education
rips ripe flowers from their stems
to subjugate their fragrance
paternalistic arrogance flaunts
deep sectarian misogyny
it has ugly eyes for the world
bloody hands for its own
stunted ethics compel its illusions

who will stand for the flowers
and tame this abomination
or failing that kill the beast
once and for all with clean
adamant weapons of justice
who will rescue the flowers
return them to their gardens
of humane society give them
sweet nurturing reverence

oh Nigeria giant of Africa
wailing your titanic clashes of clans
let your daughters and sons
breathe of your proud ancient
kingdoms reject the repugnant
sharia of Boko Haram and let
flourish the powers that flowers
exhibit when bathed in the nutrient
peace of Eden before the great fall
it is in you since birthmother Nok
culture opened your primitive heart

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