Fun · Moving Forward

“When I Find Love Again, I’ll Be Much Better Than The Man I Used To Be” **I see in his eyes and Body Language **

Many of you know I'm a huge James Blunt fan. How many converts will sway to his new song. I love the black and white video, fit's perfect. Men may enjoy the babes shaking it. I find the men dancing and kicking up the dust quit satisfying. James married Sofia in September, I believe his… Continue reading “When I Find Love Again, I’ll Be Much Better Than The Man I Used To Be” **I see in his eyes and Body Language **

Fun · Moving Forward

"When I Find Love Again, I'll Be Much Better Than The Man I Used To Be" **I see in his eyes and Body Language **

Many of you know I'm a huge James Blunt fan. How many converts will sway to his new song. I love the black and white video, fit's perfect. Men may enjoy the babes shaking it. I find the men dancing and kicking up the dust quit satisfying. James married Sofia in September, I believe his… Continue reading "When I Find Love Again, I'll Be Much Better Than The Man I Used To Be" **I see in his eyes and Body Language **


Throw Back Thursday **Pink Floyd, The Allman Brothers and American Indians** A Strong Message of Survival

The Pink Floyd video brings thoughts, dreams and surviving to mind. I fly in my dreams and have for as long as I can remember. Watching the guy get the courage to fly is like our internal struggle to survive. Survivors continue to battle the struggle, the difference is they have learned to fly. The… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday **Pink Floyd, The Allman Brothers and American Indians** A Strong Message of Survival


Throw Back Thursday ** Dedicated to Survivors ** You are Worthy

As my illness progresses many have offered kind words of support and prayers. Thank you for filling my heart with hope and friendship. I've  met many survivors, the words take on a new meaning to me. I heard  the words in the past but didn't hear them. Dedicated to survivors. You Are Worthy.


Lyme Disease Journal Entry Nine **Lyme-Winning Me-Hanging By A Thread**

This is a 6 minute video from the 2014 Gala which raises money for Lyme Disease research. Patients talk in the video about the symptoms and difficulty getting a proper diagnosis. I have tears in my eyes. Severe gastro illness after starting second Malaria RX added Fatigue, exhausted and frustrated Doubled neuropathy Rx in effort to reduce… Continue reading Lyme Disease Journal Entry Nine **Lyme-Winning Me-Hanging By A Thread**


“But You Don’t Look Sick?” (loneliness, the Gospel, and other things…)

Her words hit me hard. I think it’s one of the reasons our loved ones have a difficult time truly understanding. Thank you to everyone who reads my Lyme Journal post. M/Warrior

Resilient Peace

“But you don’t look sick?”

If you’ve battled Lyme disease (or any other chronic and/or neurological illness) for a small amount of time you’ve probably heard this phrase posed to you by doctors, family, friends, and strangers a number of times. And my guess is you’re pretty sick of it by now. Yeah, I know the feeling. It’s so funny that no matter who I talk to this always comes up. It’s also funny that when I talk to other “Lymies”, this topic is always mentioned somewhere in our conversation…and it is spoken of with great agitation.

It’s frustrating because as a chronically ill person who’s battled an “invisible illness” for a long period of time you don’t exactly know what to say when someone comments, “Oh but you look so good!” I know I should be glad that people think I look “so good” even after being sick for…

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"But You Don't Look Sick?" (loneliness, the Gospel, and other things…)

Her words hit me hard. I think it’s one of the reasons our loved ones have a difficult time truly understanding. Thank you to everyone who reads my Lyme Journal post. M/Warrior

Resilient Peace

“But you don’t look sick?”

If you’ve battled Lyme disease (or any other chronic and/or neurological illness) for a small amount of time you’ve probably heard this phrase posed to you by doctors, family, friends, and strangers a number of times. And my guess is you’re pretty sick of it by now. Yeah, I know the feeling. It’s so funny that no matter who I talk to this always comes up. It’s also funny that when I talk to other “Lymies”, this topic is always mentioned somewhere in our conversation…and it is spoken of with great agitation.

It’s frustrating because as a chronically ill person who’s battled an “invisible illness” for a long period of time you don’t exactly know what to say when someone comments, “Oh but you look so good!” I know I should be glad that people think I look “so good” even after being sick for…

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250 children ‘at risk of grooming in Greater Manchester’

This is happening in every city in American. I’m blown away by the resources in this post. Thank you Paul from Defender of Faith.

~~Defender of Faith~Guardian of Truth~~

young girl crying imagebot

Nearly 250 children are “at risk” of being sexually exploited across Greater Manchester, the BBC has learned.

Figures show that out of 246 children being dealt with by local councils, 111 were deemed to be at high risk of being sexually exploited.

Rochdale Council had the highest number of children at risk, but said tackling sexual exploitation was one of its top priorities.

In 2012 nine men were jailed for running a child sex ring in the town.

‘High risk’

Manchester City Council had 36 children known to it, of which 20 were at high risk.

Rochdale Council said there were 40 children at risk but only three of those fell into the high risk category, making them susceptible to being targeted by groomers.

The council’s assessment looks at school attendance, home life, sexual health and types of risky behaviour.

Each area is rated between 1-5, with an extra rating…

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