Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

I Need Your Opinion, Only Three Questions. :)

Does the site look crowded? I'm still not sure about the Twitter roll. Is there something you would like to see? Do you ever look at Footer Widgets? I want the site to flow, easy to read with the post taking center stage. Thanks a million for your help! Hugs to my friends and followers. You… Continue reading I Need Your Opinion, Only Three Questions. đź™‚

Moving Forward

Books that helped me find who I was with Mental Illness

Here are a few books which helped me understand miscommunications in my marriage and how to work thru distrust. One encouraged me to take the first step to look deep inside and come out better off. I hope you will benefit from reading. If so please leave me a comment or let me know books who've… Continue reading Books that helped me find who I was with Mental Illness

Men & Womens Health · Survivor

How to participate once diagnosed with a Mental Illness

Years after my diagnoses with Bipolar Disease. I thought it was time to participate in my medical care. To understand layman's terms, what to expect and when to call doctor. Getting on the same page as you learn doctor speak and how they hear. A proficient Psychiatrist with a background helping Mentally Ill patients. Please… Continue reading How to participate once diagnosed with a Mental Illness

Moving Forward

Reporting Sexual Assault Survivors what.

Great presentation with several slides with demographics. Please watch to see how you can support an effort. Xx  M http://www.ted.com/talks/jessica_ladd_the_reporting_system_that_sexual_assault_survivors_want?utm_source=newsletter_weekly_2016-03-19&utm_campaign=newsletter_weekly&utm_medium=email&utm_content=bottom_right_button

Men & Womens Health

Support The PAWS ACT: *Many Domestic violence victims are staying for fear of loosing their pet*

Change.org   Melinda There's a new petition taking off on Change.org, and we think you might be interested in signing it. Many domestic violence victims report staying in abusive and dangerous relationships out of fear of leaving their beloved pets behind. Their abusers often threaten to harm, maim, or even kill their pets if they… Continue reading Support The PAWS ACT: *Many Domestic violence victims are staying for fear of loosing their pet*