Celebrate Life · Moving Forward

Throw Back Thursday *Don’t let time pass you by*

I was thinking about tunes to play, Prince came to mind. He's Mystical, very erotic with dancers and fans enjoy every minute. Prince supported multiple charities, one supported kids education. He heard the library was closing due to lack of funds. The next day, the library doors opened. I celebrate the life of Prince and… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday *Don’t let time pass you by*

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward · Survivor

Robert Goldstein Awarded Me Versatile Blogger Award

WOW! Mission Control we landed without to many Starbucks stops. I'm thrilled to receive The Versatile Blogger Award from Robert Goldstein at http://www.robertmgoldstein.com. Robert is a generous spirit. Thank you for choosing my blog worthy of The Versatile Award. Robert has a mental illness called DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder. He is open about the struggles… Continue reading Robert Goldstein Awarded Me Versatile Blogger Award

Fun · Moving Forward

Throw Back Thursday *Country? Rock? Country Rock?

Howdy friends, Thinking about Country Music today, the line between Country and Rock are not always visible. Brad Paisley and many others sound like Rock with riff's  and jamming guitar solos. The video surprised me, did I wake up in tunesville?  The Country artist are everywhere except in Country music. I hope you enjoy the… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday *Country? Rock? Country Rock?

Celebrate Life

Hearding Chickens awarded Survivors Blog Here with The Versatile Blogger Award

heardingchickens.wordpress.com/2016/02/05/the-versatile-blogger-award https://heardingchickens.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/versatile-blogger-award.jpg?w=696 We're thrilled to receive The Versatile Blogger Award from Herding Chickens. If you have not stopped by http://www.herdingchickens.wordpress.com, today is a great day to start. Her personality shines through her writing. Her and  husband have adopted two children. She shares the successes and struggle of Adoption. She's a generous person. Seven Answers Paola's Answers Writing is my… Continue reading Hearding Chickens awarded Survivors Blog Here with The Versatile Blogger Award

Men & Womens Health

Avril Lavigne on Her Struggle with Lyme Disease

The post is my opinion based on my own experience and talking to people with Lyme Disease.  The symptoms of Lyme Disease are the same as many chronic illnesses. The parasites move quickly, if not caught early, the more difficult to treat. Lyme is a serious illness, it moves to major organs which bring on worst… Continue reading Avril Lavigne on Her Struggle with Lyme Disease

Men & Womens Health

Dr. Jemsek “Speaks the Truth”About Lyme Disease

Dr Jemsek is an Infectious Disease Doctor who played a pivotal role identifying AIDS in N. Carolina.You will hear him mention in the video. He is my hero and my Doctor. https://youtu.be/V-lHDA863TM There are several treatment methods, each Doctor is different. I'm on antibiotic IV Therapy 5 days a week, Lactose Ringer when not on IV… Continue reading Dr. Jemsek “Speaks the Truth”About Lyme Disease

Moving Forward

Half of American preschoolers with ADHD

Article is from Ideas.Ted.com Half of the American preschoolers diagnosed with ADHD are given drugs to treat the symptoms. Is that necessary? Is there another way? Neurobiologist David Anderson is alarmed by the idea of drugging children to treat the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Especially during adolescence, when changing levels of sex… Continue reading Half of American preschoolers with ADHD

Moving Forward

Boko Haram Using More Children as Suicide Bombers, Unicef Says

This article breaks my heart. Children forced to kill or be killed by Boko Haram. I thought my prayers came true when reading all the girls were released last week. Keep the girls and Nigeria in your prayers.  DAKAR, Senegal — As it torments West Africa, Boko Haram is increasingly turning to children to carry… Continue reading Boko Haram Using More Children as Suicide Bombers, Unicef Says

Men & Womens Health

Pregnant Woman Among New Florida Zika Cases

In a piece of irony, the CDC originated from a 1940s agency called the "Office of Malaria Control in War Areas", and during the summit's opening session, organizers showed a 70-year-old short movie about its work targeting Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that now spreads Zika. "We were the first ones because we were really proactive… Continue reading Pregnant Woman Among New Florida Zika Cases