Moving Forward

The Story of my life in 250 words … )

CoffeeGrounded's Blog

Is a writing challenge presented by, Jenni, author of the blog, She wills us to write about our life in the next 31 days. Our task, should we decide to accept it, is to write about specific items each day. Her outline, found in this post,, defines the specifics.

It was my daughter, M1, author of the blog,, who inspired me. M1 is taking on this challenge. I thought I’d try, too. I’ve been listed as AWOL for several months now, occupied by several life changes, but never forgetting how much I miss my friends, their words, their lives, and their inspirations. Come along as Jenni (and all who offer themselves up on this quest). Take the plunge. Come dive into the water, deep, someone will be here to grab you if you begin to sink (me), cuz…well, I’m good at sinking, and my friends…

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Men & Womens Health

A Heart A Fire Nominated Me for Blogger Recognition Award A Heart A Fire nominated me for The Blogger Recognition Award. She nominated me months ago. Lyme Disease truly slows you physical and Cognitive ability. I encourage everyone to spend time at  You will enjoy her Blog and fantastic writing. Thank you for nominating Looking For The Light Blog for The Blogger… Continue reading A Heart A Fire Nominated Me for Blogger Recognition Award

Moving Forward

Chewbacca Mom Wednesday..It’s Contagious

Van by the River inspired me with her post, Chewbacca Mom. The Chewbacca Mask has taken the Internet by storm. The video has broken the record on Live Facebook. The video gets crazier as she travels to all the talk shows. I think the TV anchors are having a blast. Please visit my friend… Continue reading Chewbacca Mom Wednesday..It’s Contagious

Moving Forward

Genuine Laughter

I reblogged from, reblog must be taking a nap. Luckily I could reblog from her source. Spread the JOY.

The Off Key Of Life

I don’t know this woman but she’s the kind of person I’d like to know. Anyone who can generate this kind of laughter at something as simple as what you’re about to see is worth hanging out with…:)

If you’re not laughing out loud by the time this is over, I think someone should be taking your pulse.


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