Moving Forward

ILADS Response To Centers of Medicare/Medicaid Services of Health & Human Services

The International Lyme Disease Association (ILADS), knows Chronic Lyme Disease exists, requiring extensive treatment currently restricted by the Center of Disease Control. The letter is a proactive communication advocating for longer treatment options. Taken From ILADS letter to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Department of Health and Human Services. RE: Proposed Rule concerning… Continue reading ILADS Response To Centers of Medicare/Medicaid Services of Health & Human Services

Moving Forward

You Go Judge! How about solving this at the Debate tonight?

The leaders of the future, our children must have an education to build on. Chime in and please pass around. Let’s help find and fix problem, not set back and see. 🙂 M

Live & Learn


“Connecticut State Superior Court Judge Thomas G. Moukawsher threw out the state’s school financing system as unconstitutional, his unsparing 90-page ruling read and resonated like a cry from the heart on the failings of American public education.”

Some excerpts from NYTimes: An F-Minus for America’s Schools From a Fed-Up Judge:

  •  “Uselessly perfect teacher evaluations” that found “virtually every teacher in the state” proficient or exemplary, while a third of students in many of the poorest communities cannot read even at basic levels.
  • He attacked a task force charged with setting meaningful high school graduation requirements for how its “biggest thought on how to fix the problem turned out to be another task force,” and called it “a kind of a spoof.”
  • Too many American high school graduates are “let down by patronizing and illusory degrees”
  • Too many decisions and too much debate about schools seem, as he wrote, “completely disconnected…

View original post 226 more words

Celebrate Life · Moving Forward

I’m Mourning And She’s Still Alive

PUBLISHED ON February 6, 2006 The caregiver posts were my first attempt at blogging. I needed an outlet to avoid dumping all in husbands lap. My grandmother passed away in 2005 from Dementia related to Strokes. I’m reposting for caregivers who give freely every ounce to keep loved one comfortable in their last hours.  Just… Continue reading I’m Mourning And She’s Still Alive

Moving Forward

Throw Back Thursday No Doubt about Stefani & Shelton

Gwen Stefani has my full attention with her latest release, "This is what the truth feels like".  At 48  , after an eight year hiatus, Gwen releases new music, took her three children on tour, wrote/produced show for Nickelodeon, released a line of new fragrances and a voice over in the Trolls movie. She appeared on… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday No Doubt about Stefani & Shelton

Celebrate Life · Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward · Survivor

Survivors Blog Here Celebrates Second Anniversary

We're celebrating our second anniversary with an Open House. Stop in, say hello, browse and read a few post while enjoying refreshments. Survivors Blog Here continues to evolve, shaped by life experiences and your feedback. Thank you for taking the journey with us, we learn from you everyday. If you're unfamiliar with our site, we're… Continue reading Survivors Blog Here Celebrates Second Anniversary

Moving Forward

Throw Back Thursday *Let The Music Set You Free*

Please give a shout out to Gavin/sedge808, the newest member of Survivors Blog Here. Tunes dedicated to you! Welcome, let's have some fun! I was born with music in my ears, dancing to a beat. My baby book says I walked/danced for joy at ten months old. I don't know if it's true, it's who I was.… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday *Let The Music Set You Free*

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

FDA Admits Generic Wellbutrin Isn’t An Equivalent After Years Of Complaints

For years patients have said the generic Wellbutrin doesn't work as well as brand name. The FDA finally took action against manufactures of the generics, admitting Clinical Trials were not performed on 300 mg Extended Release tablets. Follow up test found discrepancies in Bioeqivalence. The FDA holds responsibility as well, they are accountable to the public.… Continue reading FDA Admits Generic Wellbutrin Isn’t An Equivalent After Years Of Complaints

Moving Forward

WP Playing Tricks On You Last Night?

I'm a fairly calm 🙂 person when not hypo/hyper or in withdraw. Last night while burning the midnight oil, I tried to refresh page...Message: could not pull anything up try again. That was the start, I'm no longer calm. I used Reader for reading a few post.....the people I follow are unchecked like I'm not… Continue reading WP Playing Tricks On You Last Night?

Moving Forward

It’s Monday! Let’s celebrate with?

How about a funny story to start: my oldest dog had problems waking up this morning, I thought he was dead, ok that's not funny, I was screaming his name....nothing. Finally he wakes, I see his front leg doesn't work. Thinking about how hard the stairs would be.....I made a potty spot in spare room.… Continue reading It’s Monday! Let’s celebrate with?