Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward · Survivor

Insights from the Hotline Room: Planning for Holiday Gatherings

As the year winds down, folks across the country are headed home for the holidays to spend time with family and friends. While this is a time of celebration for many, it also presents challenges for some survivors of sexual abuse. More often than not, the perpetrator of sexual violence is someone the victim knows. This… Continue reading Insights from the Hotline Room: Planning for Holiday Gatherings

Moving Forward

Diana Nyad’s Story

Thank you for sharing her story, she’s a strong woman and can offer support to all of us. M

Patricia J Grace

Rebel Recovery shared this article from the New York Times written by Diana Nyad an athlete and swimmer. 

Diana Nyad at 61, during training for a swim from Key West, Fla., to Cuba. CreditJeffery Salter/Redux

Here I was, a strong-willed young athlete. There he was, a charismatic pillar of the community. But I’m the one who, all these many years later, at the age of 68, no matter how happy and together I may be, continues to deal with the rage and the shame that comes with being silenced.

My particular case mirrors countless others. I was 14. A naïve 14, in 1964. I don’t think I could have given you a definition of intercourse.

My swimming coach was in many ways the father I had always yearned for. I met him when I was 10, and…

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Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

RAINN: Danyol’s Story

RAPE, ABUSE, INCEST NATIONAL NETWORK 800.656.HOPE (4673) LIVE CHAT “I just want people to know that they don’t have to be afraid of their truth. Your truth is important, your truth is needed.”  Danyol Jaye was sexually abused and raped repeatedly by his older cousin between the ages of 7 and 10. The cousin enabled… Continue reading RAINN: Danyol’s Story

Celebrate Life · Moving Forward

Neil Archbold on Nuddge Mental Health Services

Hi Grace Thanks for the offer to include Nuddge on your blog. Most information is on the website but to add:  - We started Nuddge as everyone in the team has had direct or family experience of depression or anxiety  - We are all seasoned health and tech professionals  -We feel social media doesn't offer the best… Continue reading Neil Archbold on Nuddge Mental Health Services

Celebrate Life · Fun · Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward · Survivor

Triple Shot Thursday *Can’t Stop the Feeling*

This week has been the best in ages, I've made new friends thru lengthy conversations. Identified new blogs to follow and received comments from people I haven't talk to in a long time. You have made me so happy this week, my heart is filled with joy. Let's see if the music choices can match… Continue reading Triple Shot Thursday *Can’t Stop the Feeling*

Celebrate Life · Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

How to raise successful kids without overparenting — Moms and dads often feel like they can’t win. If they pay too much attention to their kids, they’re helicopter parents; too little, and they’re absentee parents. What’s the happy medium that will result in truly happy, self-sufficient kids? Here are five tips. 1. Give your kids things they can own and control. “Enlist the…… Continue reading How to raise successful kids without overparenting —

Moving Forward

Which of these habits are keeping you from being a great communicator? — Yes, we all do these things, but they can suck the life from your conversations, says sound consultant Julian Treasure. Read this and strengthen your gift of gab. Over the years, I’ve identified a set of common emotional drivers that suck the power out of communication. I call them the four leeches. Most people —…… Continue reading Which of these habits are keeping you from being a great communicator? —

Moving Forward


once again Candice builds a great picture thru her poetry. M


Is it an astigmatism or

The blur of a questioning heart

When things are disordered, the very edge

Clutching bitten sides as hollow city dwellers

Imagine faces looking downward into fast moving water, seeing drowned doves

A predilection for extremes

Where daughters cut their ropy hair

And open like heart chakras beneath festive lighting in department stores

Accents donating starry landscape above

Informing choices as snowbound relatives learning to talk over cold soup

Girls in A-line skirts, boys hiding erections behind glossy schoolbooks

And the heat of asfalt, curling like collars made of beaver

High gloves, no verbs, learning how to dye mouths like hair

Standing on unstable chairs, wobbling with frail grace

Where is moral nerve? Where negotiation?

Responsibility for one’s life, defines self respect into a set of bronze rings hung from pinched hips

Whatsoever the plan, pinned to walls to hide the cracks

Tension strung like artificial…

View original post 106 more words

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward · Survivor

Celebrate with Me, Yesterday I…..

Most know I have Chronic Lyme Diseases, ill for several years and still house bound. I didn't realize until recently I had developed Agoraphobia created an additional challenge getting behind the wheel. Lyme Diseases left me with early onset of Dementia, my balance is not the best and remembering is my biggest challenge. I'm taking medicine for… Continue reading Celebrate with Me, Yesterday I…..