Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

Triple Shot Thursday *Love, Love, Love*

These are classic love songs, Aretha Franklin killed it as always. I hope you enjoy this weeks pick. The 24/7 Request Line is open, longing to hear your choice or choices. I'm happy to spin your tune. Thank you for reading!  M https://youtu.be/YFood_bTOX4 https://youtu.be/76I9ZHvZzNo https://youtu.be/ZBseZ6y7hDQ

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

Please visit my blog “For the Love of Art”

I have started a new blog http://ForTheLoveOfArt.blog. I believe art is art if you think it's art. Today I posted is an interview with Cindy Knoke at cindyknoke@wordpress.com. She's a great photographer, I hope you will stop by. Please leave any comments about the site. The good, bad and ugly, your comments will help me… Continue reading Please visit my blog “For the Love of Art”

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

Triple Shot Thursday *Songs You Can’t Forget*

I remember these songs like yesterday. There was a large poster of Shawn Cassidy on the wall next to Donny Osmond. I hope you enjoy the classics this week. Have a great weekend.  M https://youtu.be/NKdknYaSHgE https://youtu.be/CIDDEIWhuRU https://youtu.be/vNuVifA7DSU

Celebrate Life · Fun · Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

Putting the Brakes on ‘Emotional Eating’

Feb. 22, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. Putting the Brakes on 'Emotional Eating' By Julie Davis HealthDay Reporter (HEALTHDAY) THURSDAY, Feb. 22, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Many of us make choices about whether to eat healthy or not-so-healthy foods based on whether we're in a good or not-so-good mood. When a bad mood strikes, we often… Continue reading Putting the Brakes on ‘Emotional Eating’

Moving Forward

The Day I Stopped Hating Myself

Julia wrote this raw post with several lesson’s to note. Her words touch so many, no doubt motivating others to look deep inside for answers.
Thank you Julia.


I started realizing a little over two years ago just how much I hated myself. Prior to that I thought that I liked myself for the most part but just had some self esteem issues. After suggestions from some friends to make my new year’s goal to love and take care of myself, I realized just how hard this was for me. It was not long before I realized that I had a deep and persistent hatred of myself. I considered myself to be the worst, most worthless person on the earth.

I wasn’t sure what to do with this new knowledge. How do you learn how to love yourself? Where do you start? I decided to start with the people who loved me. If they saw something of worth in me, there had to be something I could love about myself. I wrote on my mirror every single kind…

View original post 420 more words

Celebrate Life · Moving Forward

Interview With Christine Clayfield Author Of “No Forth River”

I'm thrilled to take part in the Blog Tour for Christine Clayfield's first novel "No Fourth River". Christine, it's great to talk with you this morning. Let's jump in. Your novel "No Fourth River" is incredibly personal. Starting with the brutal abuse from your father to all the siblings. What convinced you now was the right time to write… Continue reading Interview With Christine Clayfield Author Of “No Forth River”

Men & Womens Health

Lyme Progress #1 Pain Management

  You may have noticed the name change from Lyme Update to Lyme Progress. The reason for the change, it's time to start looking forward, short-term and long-term. I still struggle with illnesses which Lyme left and have days can't get out of bed. WINNING is looking forward. The chronically ill understand this mindset. After… Continue reading Lyme Progress #1 Pain Management

Celebrate Life · Moving Forward

Triple Shot Thursday *New Tunes*

I love each artist picked this week. James Bay's "Pink Lemonade" is a great example of transformation of music style. Imagine Dragons never disappoint, the are worth watching on YouTube to watch the live shows. One Republic is a breath of fresh air, they play many style of music and their in my top one… Continue reading Triple Shot Thursday *New Tunes*