Men & Womens Health

Short Informative Videos on Lyme Disease

If your doctor does not listen to your physical complaints change doctors ASAP. This holds true for anyone. Lyme is real, Chronic Lyme does exist and there is no cure. Some will argue using supplements will cure Lyme. Do your homework if this sounds like the healthy treatment. Many Lyme patients take supplements, conventional and… Continue reading Short Informative Videos on Lyme Disease

Moving Forward

A New Tick Species Is Spreading Across The United States

But Here's What You Should Really Worry About The New York Times reported yesterday that a new-to-the-United-States tick species has been identified in seven states in recent months, after an infestation was first discovered last summer in New Jersey. The tick is native to Asia, where it is known to carry a dangerous virus that… Continue reading A New Tick Species Is Spreading Across The United States

Moving Forward

Don’t Forget About These Kids!

It’s almost the start of school, please consider buying a backpack already supplied or buy supplies yourself. Our Kroger is having a backpack drive. Have a great day. M

Army of Angels: Part 2

Our local domestic violence center is collecting school supplies for the young victims of domestic violence. In this season of school supply shopping, I think that I must live in a very compassionate town. Local churches and businesses collect backpacks and supplies for local kids in need. There are back to school bashes and mass giveaways. There is a high poverty rate here, and every bit of support counts!

Even with all of the great support, there is a group that the bashes and giveaways don’t necessarily reach. Domestic violence survivors and the children involved are not likely to partake in these.

When the AoA kids and I left our abuser, socializing was not something we did much. Fear followed us at its strongest, during the first year of survival. In addition to fear, it never crossed my mind that there was something we needed. I just focused on staying…

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Moving Forward · Survivor

Our Teen Struggled With Addiction,We Made An Unthinkable Decision

My 15-year-old daughter Hannah threatened to cut off my thumbs, kill me in my sleep, and burn down the house with our family inside. Such was the power of her addiction, turning her from moody to malicious in a few short months. “Let me go,” she screamed. “I don’t want to live with you people.”… Continue reading Our Teen Struggled With Addiction,We Made An Unthinkable Decision