Moving Forward

How to Protect Yourself from Family Drama During the Holidays

By Sharon Martin, LCS What’s the most stressful part of the holidays? Chances are it’s not the crowds, long to-do lists, or even the financial strain. My clients, friends, and colleagues resoundingly say that dealing with difficult family members and their over-the-top drama is the most stressful part of the holidays. Who creates unwanted drama in… Continue reading How to Protect Yourself from Family Drama During the Holidays

Men & Womens Health · Survivor

Michael Phelps Speaks Out About Battling Depression, Anxiety

By David Konow 10/30/18 “I was so down on myself. I didn’t have any self-love and, quite honestly, I just didn’t want to be alive."  Michael Phelps has won 28 Olympic medals, but despite his incredible history as a swimmer he’s also had serious bouts with depression, anxiety and alcoholism. Since getting help, Phelps has been very… Continue reading Michael Phelps Speaks Out About Battling Depression, Anxiety

Celebrate Life

Friday Quote

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.” ― W.C. Fields “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” ― Albert Einstein “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” ― Truman Capote “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss… Continue reading Friday Quote

Celebrate Life

Happy Thanksgiving America

I work hard to acknowledge the little things happening everyday. Many days it's hard to take a minute to acknowledge and let the smile sink in.  I have many things to be grate full everyday but this past week it came in a big reminder. I fell eight stairs last weekend landing on my head… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving America

Celebrate Life

Today in History October 21

Today was an interesting day in history. How history making was Your Day? 1934 A 17-year-old Ella Fitzgerald goes to New York's Apollo Theater to dance on stage for Amateur Night, but opts to sing instead. She wins the competition with her renditions of Hoagy Carmichael's 'Judy' and the Boswell Sisters' 'The Object of My… Continue reading Today in History October 21

Moving Forward

First Visit With The NP

Thank you for sharing in depth details of your first visit to a Neuropathic doctor. Have a great day.

Pride IN Justice


So I visited the ND ( Naturopathic Doctor ) a week ago. It was “different” for lack of better words. I wouldn’t say it was a bad experience. It was just different and new to me. I found it odd, I guess. But I am also very interested in this technique. I guess this would constitute a paradigm shift for me. It’s like my usual way of thinking about medical science is being replaced by alternative ways of healing. I am learning that healing the body is not only through an avenue of medicine. Rather I am learning that there are natural ways to heal through diet, exercise and healthier natural alternatives. I have learned that running to an MD is not always the best answer. Unfortunately, I have learned this quite a few times in my life experiences. So with this new way of looking at health and healing…

View original post 776 more words

Moving Forward

Five fast facts about Dysautonomia

Thank you sharing the detailed information un this often misunderstood illness. Have a great day. M


Turqouise ribbon

October is Dysautonomia Awareness month. I wanted to do a post to raise awareness so I thought I’d share with you all five fast facts about Dysautonomia.

  1. Dysauto what? Dis-oughta’-know-me-uh. For those of you who have never heard of it, Dysautonomia is the medical term for  a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)or autonomic dysfunction.
  2. Dysautonomia can impact many different organs, resulting in many different symptoms and can impact the whole body.  Think about all of the things your ANS is responsible for. Breathing, regulating heart rate,  regulating body temperature, going to the toilet. the list goes on.Dysautonomia can impact the whole body
  3. Symptoms may include tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension or hypertension, dizzy spells, orthostatic intolerance (symptoms which occur when standing up), inability to regulate body temperature , nausea, vomiting, incontinence, a dry mouth, dry eyes and even brain fog.
  4. There are many different types of Dysautonomia including ; Neaurally Mediated Hypotension(NMH), Neurocardiogenic Syncope…

View original post 105 more words

Moving Forward

[ Guest Post ] What Depression Treatments Are Available to Me? — Invisibly Me

Guest Writer for Invisibly Me Today I wanted to share a great guest post to illustrate some of the psychological treatment options available when it comes to depression. Please kindly note that any opinions expressed are of that of the writer, not necessarily myself. Depression is a common problem characterized by a worsening of your… Continue reading [ Guest Post ] What Depression Treatments Are Available to Me? — Invisibly Me