Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Natural Seasonal Allergy Relief

Willow & Sage by Stampington By Kaetlyn Kennedy   Nettle Leaf Tea Made from stinging nettle plants, organic nettle tea can help relieve seasonal allergy symptoms with it's natural antihistamine. You reap all the benefits of antihistamine symptom relief without having to take conventional medicines. You can drink the daily as a preventative or as… Continue reading Natural Seasonal Allergy Relief

Moving Forward

Thoughts on my 11 Year Lyme Anniversary

Guest Blogger Lyme Disease Vitor, Beth Leung

Lyme Light Fight

11 years ago this week I contracted Lyme disease.  I was 15 years old, energetic, happy, looking forward to college, and planning to be a missionary to Thailand.  I traveled a lot that summer and never found the tick bite, so it’s unclear when exactly I was bit.  It was most likely at my high school summer camp, given the woodsy nature of the camp.

I came down with a flu-like illness with bad body aches.  But unlike the flu, the pain didn’t go away.  Instead it grew stronger and more symptoms sparked up over the next 5 years before I was diagnosed.  I became more and more sick as the bacteria was spread unchecked to every bodily system.  By the time I finally was diagnosed with Lyme disease, I had colorful spots and large white opaque shapes in my blurred vision.  I had night terrors, anxiety, and sleep paralysis…

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Men & Womens Health

Make Your Own Sea Salt Spray

Photo by Pixabay on What you'll need 8-10 ounce Glass Spray Bottle 1 cup of warm water 1-2 tsp. sea salt or Epson salt 1 tbsp. coconut oil, Aragon oil or 1/2 of each less for oily hair 4-5 drops essential oil of your choice: mint, lavender, rosemary or lemon are good options. Directions… Continue reading Make Your Own Sea Salt Spray