Moving Forward

Here’s how neem oil can do double duty for organic gardeners — Guest Blogger Farmstand Culture

Neem oil. It’s a thick, tan-colored oil extracted from the mechanically-pressed (or chemically-processed) seed of the neem tree. Neem is one of those plants that is almost certainly under-utilized across most of the world. It’s all-natural and vegan. You can use neem oil for organic pest control but wait, there’s more… Don’t eat the neem […]Here’s… Continue reading Here’s how neem oil can do double duty for organic gardeners — Guest Blogger Farmstand Culture

Fun · Health and Wellbeing

Naturally Treating Aches with Essential Oils

Willow and Sage by Stampington Essential oils can be used to soothe and help heal many ailments, and they are a great resource for relieving pain. Specific oils treat certain types of pain naturally without causing uncomfortable side effects that sometimes come with medications. Here we've broken down which oils are best to use when… Continue reading Naturally Treating Aches with Essential Oils

Men & Womens Health

Where Do You Turn When Teacher is Bullying

This is a repost from 2014, the point is schools have gone from sending notes about children being overweight to lunch shaming. I look back at my childhood, kids were bullied by other kids if they had a lunch coupon. I didn't understand the problem then and certainly find it unacceptable this is happening by… Continue reading Where Do You Turn When Teacher is Bullying

Men & Womens Health

7 Conditions That Can Mimic Fibromyalgia (And Getting The Right Diagnosis) — Guest Blogger There Is Always Hope

Fibromyalgia is a condition that consists of widespread muscle pain, cognitive failures and fatigue. Because there is no standard blood test or other medical test to identify Fibro, doctors rely on Patient stories and history to make a determination, along with using the “tender point” test. When you have Fibromyalgia, there are particular tender points […]7… Continue reading 7 Conditions That Can Mimic Fibromyalgia (And Getting The Right Diagnosis) — Guest Blogger There Is Always Hope

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

The bias of mental illness — Guest Blogger Shedding Light on Mental Health

When I ask a group of participants to think of all the words associated with someone who has mental illness here’s what I get: crazy, looney, nuts, attention seeking, dangerous, violent, etc. Then I ask the question what are words you hear about a cancer survivor. Those words are: hero, warrior, brave, strong, etc. Then […]The… Continue reading The bias of mental illness — Guest Blogger Shedding Light on Mental Health

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Keep Speaking Out About Pain

Keep speaking out.My personal path into patient advocacy began with speaking at conferences about my struggle with complex regional pain syndrome, and, then, writing a book about it. But I know first-hand that speaking up isn't easy--it can leave you feeling vulnerable and exposed, and it requires your already-limited energy and time. That's why I'm so… Continue reading Keep Speaking Out About Pain