Men & Womens Health

Today is World Gorilla Day

  Hi, Tomorrow is World Gorilla Day!You are part of a special few to get a sneak peek at Portia’s messagefor tomorrow, World Gorilla Day!Share, post and talk about gorillas as much as possible. The more we get the word out there, the more people we can get behind saving our closest relative (there are still only 1,000 mountain… Continue reading Today is World Gorilla Day

Men & Womens Health

Chronic Pain Awareness Month : September 2019 — Guest Blogger Invisibly Me

Chronic pain – A complex issue that affects everyone differently. The one thing we all have in common? Chronic pain is a chronic pain in the ass to deal with! Chronic Pain : A Chronic Problem Pain can affect you physically, socially and psychologically, impacting everything from sleep and mental wellbeing, to work and relationships. […]Chronic… Continue reading Chronic Pain Awareness Month : September 2019 — Guest Blogger Invisibly Me

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Lyme Treatment Stuck? Try These Steps at Six Months and Beyond

 Dear Subscriber,There are a number of things that can block your recovery from Lyme disease. If you have been on antibiotics for six to nine months and you are not getting better, there are additional steps to take. In Treatment Stuck? Try These Steps at Six Months and Beyond I describe how to move your treatment forward.In… Continue reading Lyme Treatment Stuck? Try These Steps at Six Months and Beyond

Health and Wellbeing

Lyme Disease Journal #Five *Scoreboard Lyme-One, Me-Still Standing*

This is a repost from 2014 discussing a Gluten-Free diet. The information is an overview and may help if you've been told to start your Gluten-Free journey.  I hope this answers some of your questions and starts you on your way to less inflammation in your life.  Have a great day and always thank you… Continue reading Lyme Disease Journal #Five *Scoreboard Lyme-One, Me-Still Standing*

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Gluten-Free Basic Salad Dressing and Salads

From Mary Frances McFadden, Jackson Township, New Jersey Basic Salad Dressing Ingredients: 1/2 cup water 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar or white vinegar 1 teaspoon white sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt Pinch of black pepper 1 teaspoon celery seed Fresh herbs of your choice (parsley, rosemary, thyme, dill or other) Cucumber Salad Peel one or two… Continue reading Gluten-Free Basic Salad Dressing and Salads

Men & Womens Health

“#SoSC” Prompt for Week is *Wrap/Rap

The word Wrap, the first thing that came to mind is this great song. When I think of Rap songs there is one that stands out above all, you can't get it out of your head. Have a great weekend and thanks for reading, I appreciate all your comments. M Join us for… Continue reading “#SoSC” Prompt for Week is *Wrap/Rap

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Remembering Mom Part 3 – How to Help Your Dementia Loved One — Guest Blogger Hindsight: My Journey

Realizing your parent or any loved one may have dementia is a tough one. I live with the regretful feeling that I should have recognized it sooner. At the time I was absorbed with my own life drama, but that’s no excuse. My hope is that what I learned as a daughter, observer and eventual […]Remembering… Continue reading Remembering Mom Part 3 – How to Help Your Dementia Loved One — Guest Blogger Hindsight: My Journey

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Billie Eilish opens up about mental health: ‘I didn’t think that I would even make it’ to 17

Charles Trepany, USA TODAYPublished 10:22 a.m. ET Sept. 5, 2019 Billie Eilish is getting real on her mental health. The "Bury a Friend" songstress confessed in her cover story for Elle magazine that, despite early career success, she hasn't always been happy.  “Two years ago, I felt like nothing mattered; every single thing was pointless," she said in the article… Continue reading Billie Eilish opens up about mental health: ‘I didn’t think that I would even make it’ to 17