Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

34 Best Chronic Illness Blogs [+16 New Entries For 2021]

This is the newest post form Get Blogged on the Best Chronic Illness Blogs for 2021. I'm honored to be listed for the second year and have you to thank for the recognition. Please take a look thru each and expand your knowledge and who knows what else, maybe a few new to follow, maybe… Continue reading 34 Best Chronic Illness Blogs [+16 New Entries For 2021]


Wordless Wednesday*Scorching Hot

So glad you're here, you make me smile and feel good inside. Keep the comments coming.   In Texas, the temperatures hit triple digits for the first time on Sunday and will continue for the next two weeks according to the weatherman. We are in the Dog Days of Summer. This is a photo of… Continue reading Wordless Wednesday*Scorching Hot

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

10 Ways To Make Sure The Whole Family Is Healthy

As a parent, there will be very little in life that is more important to you than your family. And because of this, you will want to be sure that they are happy and live good lives. However, that can sometimes be hard to work out. Maybe you’re not sure what you need to do… Continue reading 10 Ways To Make Sure The Whole Family Is Healthy

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

No Regrets — Guest Blogger Don’t Lose Hope

There’s a good chance you’ve heard of Bonnie Ware’s book: The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. This was based on her work in palliative care. The fact is, we all make choices everyday which affect the trajectory of our lives. These often feel unconscious and insignificant. And yet, over time, they become significant. They […]No… Continue reading No Regrets — Guest Blogger Don’t Lose Hope

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

The Mental Health Benefits Of Gardening

Have you ever noticed that some of the happiest people you know are massively into gardening? The reasons for this are simple: gardening is one of the best things you can do to boost your mental health.  But why is this? Why do people who spend time in their gardens seem to have healthier inner… Continue reading The Mental Health Benefits Of Gardening

Fun · Men & Womens Health

How To Deal With Common Gardening Problems

Gardening is such a therapeutic hobby to take up. In fact, it's been shown to help a great deal with your mental health during the pandemic. You can spend so many hours in your garden tending to your plants and making everything look perfect. Things don't always go your way, as there are lots of… Continue reading How To Deal With Common Gardening Problems

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

How financially literate are you? 3 things you should know about your money

IDEAS.TED.COM Oct 7, 2019 / Erin McReynolds Priya Mistry Most of us received little guidance or instruction on how to handle money when we were growing up, but that’s OK — we can start learning now, a little bit at a time. Financial expert Natalie Torres-Haddad begins with the basics. This post is part of TED’s “How… Continue reading How financially literate are you? 3 things you should know about your money

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

The Real $Cost Of Lyme Disease

We are cleaning out our paper files and trying to get everything down to scans. I picked up the two-inch-thick notebook I kept my Lyme paperwork and found the contract that had the cost of my Antibiotic Infusion treatments. It will blow your mind, it costs $40,000 to $60,000 a month for just the Antibiotic Infusion… Continue reading The Real $Cost Of Lyme Disease

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Everyday Health Hacks Summer Edition

This was one of the most popular posts last year and now is a good time to update, almost eight months into the year and some of my routines have changed, yours probably have too. New Year's Resolutions or goals as I call them, can start to lose their luster and get thrown out the… Continue reading Everyday Health Hacks Summer Edition

Men & Womens Health

Let’s Talk About Women’s Hair Loss Summer Update

When I started writing the original posts Let's Talk About Hair Loss, I had no idea the changes my hair would take.  Eight months ago I started using Minoxidil 2% on the areas I felt had the most hair loss twice a day to encourage growth. I think six months is the magic number before… Continue reading Let’s Talk About Women’s Hair Loss Summer Update