
Throw Back Thursday: Warrior Is Taking You On The Way Back Machine, Music selection By Army Of Angels

Last week I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease  adjusting to the new meds is kicking my but. Not to worry, my trusted blogging sister Army of Angels jumped in to make this weeks selection. Big hugs for your help AoA. There would not be Throw Back Thursday this week without her help. I can't wait to see what… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday: Warrior Is Taking You On The Way Back Machine, Music selection By Army Of Angels

Men & Womens Health

Have You Ever Given Yourself A Shot? I Gave Myself The First Of Many Today

      This hurdle has been on my mind for days. I'm not afraid of needles, it's the thought of drawing the med out of bottle then injecting into my stomach. I cleared the hurdle with room to spare. I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease last week, it's been a whirlwind of new meds,… Continue reading Have You Ever Given Yourself A Shot? I Gave Myself The First Of Many Today


Memories of Childhood Abuse Flood To The Surface Discussing Domestic Violence

Two of my blogging sister's are going through a very rough time with their ex's. Memories flood in of my childhood as a pawn for my mother. I thought I had a good understanding of Domestic Violence, I was wrong. My stepfather beat my mother almost daily, constant verbal abuse which would cause her emotional… Continue reading Memories of Childhood Abuse Flood To The Surface Discussing Domestic Violence


100 days in captivity

I am Blaq


Yesterday marked the 100th day in captivity for the school girls abducted from Chibok, Borno State, Nigeria. I can’t believe it’s been that long. We tend to forget or lose track of these things especially when there are more buffeting and immediate problems.

Three days ago, there was a total of 4 bombings in the country – two in Kaduna, one each in Borno and Yobe I think, killing almost a hundred people and injuring scores others. Two days ago there was another in Kano state. There was probably another somewhere yesterday. I didn’t comb through the news.

There hasn’t been one incident free week in Nigeria since the abduction of these girls. But that does not excuse relegating these girls to the background.

The President had a closed door meeting with the abducted girls’ parents. I do not know the outcome. A while back I heard all the girls…

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Danny Nickerson, the Boy with an Inoperable Brain Tumor, Receives THOUSANDS of Birthday cards

Kindness Blog

Further to the 5-year-old with Terminal Cancer Just Wants Some Mail. Let’s Overflow his P.O. box… post from a few days ago, we are absolutely delighted to see that young Danny Nickerson has received so many cards from well-wishers all over the world.

All Danny of Foxboro, Mass., wanted for his sixth birthday, this Friday, was cards. So far, the little boy with an inoperable brain tumor has received thousands upon thousands.

Daniel Nickerson

The family has been tracking the influx of packages on its Facebook page Danny’s Warriors.

Daniel Nickerson

“Todays total rough count was a little over 8,500 cards and 900 packages!!! We filled the uhaul completely up! And then filled 3 cars too!” the family posted on Facebook this week.

“We are in awe of all of this, we are speechless and dont have enough words to explain how thankful we are for everyone of you! And all the love…

View original post 85 more words

Fun · Moving Forward

Brain Fart Friday: Warrior Eats Crow With Aerosmith & Rolling Stones

You know you're getting old when you have no clue what day it is. We're having Throwback Thursday! I can't give you Satisfaction by the Stones, think you'll like my choice. Windows is foreign after all these years. You're worth every word I said while working on post. I was born with a Rock Star… Continue reading Brain Fart Friday: Warrior Eats Crow With Aerosmith & Rolling Stones

Fun · Moving Forward

Brain Fart Friday: Warrior Eats Crow With Aerosmith & Rolling Stones

You know you're getting old when you have no clue what day it is. We're having Throwback Thursday! I can't give you Satisfaction by the Stones, think you'll like my choice. Windows is foreign after all these years. You're worth every word I said while working on post. I was born with a Rock Star… Continue reading Brain Fart Friday: Warrior Eats Crow With Aerosmith & Rolling Stones


Throwback Thursday with Warrior is Brain Fart Friday This Week :)

I have lost it or something is up with computer. Trying to paste two videos has taken over an hour and still not working. I hate to work on my husbands Windows machine but you are worth it. If for any reason not completed today, come back tomorrow for Brain Fart Friday. Close you eyes and think about a… Continue reading Throwback Thursday with Warrior is Brain Fart Friday This Week 🙂

Fun · Survivor

5-year-old with Terminal Cancer Just Wants Some Mail. Let’s Overflow his P.O. box…

Let’s make this young boy’s birthday extra special. I believe miracles can happen. Warrior

Kindness Blog

Danny Nickerson is 5 years old, but not for long. He’s very excited to become a big 6-year-old this Friday. As happy as this birthday will be, however, it will be hard, too.


Danny has a virtually unbeatable cancer. Doctors have told his family that less than 10 percent of kids diagnosed with his type live longer than 18 months.

So the upcoming celebration will be an emotional day filled with far more highs and lows than a typical 6-year-old’s birthday. And what is he hoping to get for this extraordinary birthday?


He loves getting mail.

His mom says,

“He can recognize his name now. When he saw his name on the package from magical fairies on Easter, he was so happy.”

Since Easter, though, packages have slowed down. But now, for his birthday, it’s time to make sure he gets all the cards he could possibly want to read.

View original post 128 more words

Men & Womens Health

Wrong Turn Lands U.S.M.C. Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi in Mexican Federal Prison Petition Update Here is the link to sign the petition at Petitioning John Kerry (Secretary of State) Release U.S.M.C. Sgt. Tahmooressi imprisoned in Mexico Petition by Jill Tahmooressi My son Andrew Tahmooressi is a Marine veteran fighting for his life and freedom in a Mexico jail after being wrongfully imprisoned for over a… Continue reading Wrong Turn Lands U.S.M.C. Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi in Mexican Federal Prison

Fun · Moving Forward · Survivor

A Grandparents Love Lives On With Happy Birthday Wishes

      My Granny I miss my grandparents everyday, none more than on my birthday. Every year they would get on the phone together and sing Happy Birthday. This was a tradition, gramps called many in the family to sing Happy Birthday. As  gramps fell into a coma, one of his sisters by his… Continue reading A Grandparents Love Lives On With Happy Birthday Wishes