
Was It Rape?

I was emotionally in shock after reading the post. I have been raped more than once. The post breaks down many scenario’s. It can help parents talk to children of both sexes. The information helps you find out your States law on Rape. Do yourself a favor by reading and when appropriate sharing with your kids. XO Warrior

Healing Hands of Arizona


Unfortunately, sexual violence can come in many forms. In order to better understand the wide range of personal violence’s that can occur, we have included definitions of different types of rape and sexual violence, as well as other kinds of violence that often arise hand-in-hand with sexual violence.

Was I Raped?

How can you figure out if what happened was rape? There are a few questions to consider.

For purposes of this page, we use the term “rape” to mean all crimes of sexual violence, not just those crimes that would qualify as “rape” under the FBI definition or under state laws.

The exact definition of “rape,” “sexual assault,” “sexual abuse” and similar terms differs by state. The wording can get confusing, since states often use different words to mean the same thing or use the same words to describe different things. To see how your state legally defines these…

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Moving Forward

Did you hug your loved ones today?

Truffles napping on office desk I  heard you meowing today, musical call over 15 years. You didn't ask for much, a snack, hug and beloved kitty crack. When cold you crawled under covers, feeling like a heating pad Our cherished time, laying in floor holding hands until you feel asleep. I was sick and you'd… Continue reading Did you hug your loved ones today?

Men & Womens Health

Throw Back Thursday *Dedicated to my Twin P*

Dearest Twin P You are the best twin sister I've never met. We have lots of good times in our future knocking out our Bucket List.   I'm so happy you've met a man who knows how to treat a women. Take your time, fall in like first. if you see a future and have… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday *Dedicated to my Twin P*


Lyme Journal Entry Eleven *Lyme Winning Me..Mad As Hell*

Four months ago I wrote the last Lyme Journal Entry. I thought my strength would allow me to blog thru the illness. Then the 5-6 month point turned my life upside down and it's been hell. I fired Lyme doctor and not taking meds at this time. I know many are wondering why the hair… Continue reading Lyme Journal Entry Eleven *Lyme Winning Me..Mad As Hell*

Men & Womens Health

Special Throw Back Thursday *Recognizing The Bridge School*

THE BRIDGE SCHOOL Our Mission The Bridge School is a non-profit organization whose mission is to ensure that individuals with severe speech and physical impairments achieve full participation in their communities through the use of  augmentatation & alternative means of communication (AAC) and assistive technology (AT) applications and through the development, implementation and dissemination of innovative… Continue reading Special Throw Back Thursday *Recognizing The Bridge School*