Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward · Survivor

The Respect Award From Friend Danica Piche

The Respect Award comes to me from Danica Piche at Living The Beautiful Life.   Hugs to you my dear friend. I'm honored.  If you’re not already following her blog, you are missing a slice of the pie. http://www.danicapiche@wordpress.com What is the Respect Award? The Respect Award is given by Rob once a year to… Continue reading The Respect Award From Friend Danica Piche

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward · Survivor

The Respect Award From Friend Robert Goldstein

The Respect Award comes to me from Robert at Art by Rob Goldstein.  Thank you so much, Robert.  My Blog is Award Free, I accept for the reason of no commitment. This is the second year to receive the award, I'm very grateful. If you’re not already following his blog, please pay him a visit… Continue reading The Respect Award From Friend Robert Goldstein

Celebrate Life · Moving Forward

Triple Shot Thursday * Awesome Mix From Request Line*

  This week is a great compilation from the request line. Each song compliments the other so well. I know you want the DJ to play your song, I spin for you. Come on, make my day. Houston and outlying areas were devastated by Hurricane Harvey. The best way you can help is search the… Continue reading Triple Shot Thursday * Awesome Mix From Request Line*

Moving Forward


Patricia is brutally honest about her past, she’s written a book but pain isn’t solved by writing. We have to work deep in our soul to understand and reconcile the trauma. Patricia has a beautiful blog and is one great photographer. May sure you stop by to say hello.

Patricia J Grace

There are many shattering losses due to childhood sexual abuse and the lingering ramifications are substantial. One in particular is difficult to talk about, sexual intimacy in a loving relationship. That was stolen from me and I mourn what was lost.

When a child loves and trusts her brother (substitute father, uncle, mother, etc.), the closeness, warmth, and time spent together is not sexual. A hug is benign, just a hug, filled with warmth and love. That’s it. And when she gets older, perhaps adolescence, she might feel a twinge of her sexuality at her first kiss with a boy she likes her own age.

Then she’s a teenager and it’s said the hormones take over, not me. I was scared and frozen when my boyfriend tried to touch me in any sexual way. But this is when one explores happily, both boy and girl enjoying the closeness and exploration.

View original post 363 more words

Moving Forward · Survivor

Where’s Waldo? Where’s Reblog Button?

  Reblogging is a frustrating feeling and one I've heard for years. Last week I could not remember how to find post to reblog. Here's the most simplistic way I know to reblog.  Go back to basic's. There's information on WordPress on the process of reblogging if you want to read. You can write from… Continue reading Where’s Waldo? Where’s Reblog Button?

Moving Forward · Survivor

Charitable Organization: Men’s Movement 

I'm honored to join the community at Men's Movement. Being apart of the men's community, sharing to help others always fills me with sunshine. There is another important aspect to joining the community, expanding my knowledge. I can't speak for men and how they process mental illness or other trauma. I urge you to check… Continue reading Charitable Organization: Men’s Movement 

Fun · Moving Forward

Triple Shot Thursday Historic NFL Half-Time Shows

Hearing the NFL comments behind the scenes is priceless. You can hear the amazement and testament to the professionals they were. Fans of Prince and Michael Jackson already knew their ability to command an audience. I love Coldplay, for me no need for other acts. Coldplay's performance was spectacular, other acts disrupted my concert. I… Continue reading Triple Shot Thursday Historic NFL Half-Time Shows

Moving Forward

35 Year-Old Woman Sexual Assaults a 10 Year-Old Boy

News stories on Adults sexually assaulting children are on the local news weekly. I don't know how we protect our children from predators traumatizing our children. MILWAUKEE (WGN) -– A 35-year-old Wisconsin woman is accused of drugging a 10-year-old child's slushy and sexually assaulting him. Tara Gotovnik has been charged with first-degree sexual assault of a… Continue reading 35 Year-Old Woman Sexual Assaults a 10 Year-Old Boy

Moving Forward

Genetic Response:Stress Predict Risk Related Brain Function, Psychiatric Disorders

Another interesting post from 23 and Me Blog. Genetic Differences in the Immediate Transcriptome Response to Stress Predict Risk-Related Brain Function and Psychiatric Disorders http://www.cell.com/neuron/fulltext/S0896-6273(15)00473-0

Moving Forward · Survivor

Update On Twitter Advocacy Success: *Let’s Celebrate*

Five weeks ago I broadened my Advocacy work by jumping on Twitter. On 7/5/17 there were 100 followers, today the number is 1,962. What a nice surprise. The configuration on my Twitter timeline only shows the organizations I follow. The timeline updates twice a day focussing on organizations I follow, avoiding the toxic dump. I'm writing for Men's… Continue reading Update On Twitter Advocacy Success: *Let’s Celebrate*

Moving Forward

The fantasy held by someone else

A honest look at how we see people, not seeing the version we really are. The rose colored glasses work quite nice. M


il_570xN.690115987_nnkdNever been good at receiving, prefer to give, in all things …

I gave you everything I had left, it wasn’t much, a persistent hole, had formed long ago and I was seeping out.

I look whole, but that’s just mythology. I may outwardly appear, to stand upright, but in truth I sag, even in wind.

If I had more I would have given it. You believed I did, as many before you did. I call that the capture of delusion, you see in me, what you want to see, not who is actually standing there.

And if I were a pirate, I’d have a wooden leg and a parrot. If I were a dragon, well hell, I’d be a dragon (and yes, I really want to be a dragon).

The doctor said I had a flabby heart, and still you believe me an angel. But angels play the lyre…

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