Moving Forward

“Crazy and insane” comments from an NRA spokeswoman

Another great post from Amy Gamble. Have a great weekend. M

Shedding Light on Mental Health

After watching the CNN town hall meeting held in Florida regarding the terrible school shooting tragedy, I was disheartened to hear the NRA spokeswoman use such terms as “crazy, insane, monstrous.” The acts of the shooter were incomprehensible. But those of us who live with mental illness should never be lumped into a small group of people who are violent.

The NRA spokeswoman also said “the mentally ill” should be put into a “criminal database” and be prohibited from having guns. I’m in agreement that people who have mental illness should not have guns. It’s my personal viewpoint. But criminalizing mental illness will keep people from getting the help they need.

Further, what should qualify as diagnosis that make owning a gun illegal? Does that mean a person with depression goes into the hospital with suicidal thoughts and gets flagged as a dangerous mentally ill crazy person? Or is criminalizing…

View original post 338 more words

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

Triple Shot Thursday *Phil, U2, Whitney* Can’t Miss!

The request line produced three great videos. Pick up request line and let your tune be heard. Leave request in comment section of post. I love to spin for you. Have a great weekend.  M  U2 Awesome version of filming video for "The Streets Have No Name" in CA

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward · Survivor

I Have Bipolar And I Am Not Violent

Reblogged from our friend Amy Gamble at I had an opportunity to teach a group of school teachers about mental illness. After last weeks Florida school shooting I was prepared for questions about mental illness and violence. It’s beyond sad this is an ever occurring topic. But what happens to those of us who… Continue reading I Have Bipolar And I Am Not Violent

Moving Forward

Safe Dating Tips For Teens

RAINN SEXUAL ASSAULT Safe Dating Tips for Teens FEB 05, 2018 February is teen dating violence awareness month. For teens and those new to dating, it can be difficult to identify signs of an abusive relationship. The warning signs that a teen has been sexually assaulted or abused can easily blend in with the everyday struggles teens… Continue reading Safe Dating Tips For Teens

Moving Forward

Where’s Waldo, Where’s The Reblog Button?

After chatting with WordPress Support about the Reblog button not working, I learn they already know and no completion date is given. From my own experience not everyone is effected. Here's a link I was given to show tracking process. I asked if the link included a completion date I received no answer. We are… Continue reading Where’s Waldo, Where’s The Reblog Button?

Fun · Moving Forward

How To Talk With Kids About Terrible Things

National Public Radio February 18, 20186:11 AM ET CORY TURNER Twitter Look up from this screen right now. Take a look around. On a bus. In a cafe. Even at a stoplight. Chances are, most of the other people in your line of sight are staring at their phones or other devices. And if they… Continue reading How To Talk With Kids About Terrible Things

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

“Your Song” Blog Party! *Everyone is Welcome*

Bad Company has been a favorite since a teenager, it's no surprise they are my favorite band. Before I play a video, there is a story connected. I went to see Bad Company in my twenty's, during the show I kept hearing they were going to the Hard Rock Cafe (back when it was cool). After the… Continue reading “Your Song” Blog Party! *Everyone is Welcome*

Moving Forward

Lyme Progress #2 It Takes a Village

After leaving my LYME Doctor in DC, I had to compile a team of doctors who could keep me well. This was not the easiest process. Here are the doctor's I've met with so far. General Practitioner Endocrinologist Internal Medicines Cardiologist One step I took with my GP is 30 minute appointments. I haven't seen… Continue reading Lyme Progress #2 It Takes a Village

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

TMI tag

  ashleyleia from http://www.MentalHealth@Home.wordpress tagged me for TMI tag.  So, here we go: Q: What is your favorite show? Blind Spot Q: What is your favorite band? Bad Company Q: Something you really miss. Peace Q: Where do you go when you are sad? Bed Q: Have you ever been in a physical fight? Yes,… Continue reading TMI tag