Celebrate Life · Fun

On This Day In History February 28th

Have a great day! Thanks for reading and following my blog. I appreciate you. M   'MAS*H' finale airs to record-smashing ratings. 1983 Nearly 106 million viewers, or 77 percent of the American TV-watching public, tune in to the last episode of the beloved series 'MAS*H.' After 11 seasons, the television show about a US… Continue reading On This Day In History February 28th

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Genetics of insomnia more similar to psychiatric conditions than to other sleep traits

February 25, 2019 By 23andMe under 23andMe Research   We’ve always known that getting enough sleep is important and can have a significant impact on one’s health, but scientists have just begun to unravel the genetics behind why some people are more prone to sleep problems. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. About 30… Continue reading Genetics of insomnia more similar to psychiatric conditions than to other sleep traits

Moving Forward

# Face the truth with pleasure! — My experience

Accepting the truth is not always easy. But when you have the courage to see the truth and adopt it, then life becomes very easy.What happened if there is a bad phase at this time? What if the time is not giving up? What if the other are going ahead? Instead of being distracted by […]… Continue reading # Face the truth with pleasure! — My experience

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Zechstein Magnesium Chloride Mother Earth’s 250 Million Year Old Healing Treasure

Last week Fighting With Fibro  shared a cream that worked on her Fibromyalgia pain. It was a magnesium based product, being curious I had to understand the difference of the type she purchased. The magic word is Zechstein, many products claimed to relieve pain and a host of other problems but they didn't have Zechstein included in ingredients. https://fightingwithfibro.com/2019/02/19/finally-something-that-actually-works-for-my-fibro-and-rls-pain/… Continue reading Zechstein Magnesium Chloride Mother Earth’s 250 Million Year Old Healing Treasure

Men & Womens Health · Survivor

I Am Not…..I Am

I Am Not  Chronic Lyme Fibromyalgia Dementia Neuropathy Agrophobic Shut-in Over-focused on illness Stagnate Guilty Hopeless Looking for sympathy I am A Women Wife Dog mother Sister Determined Honest Caring to a fault Loving Scared Have high goals Living with symptoms Strong willed Open minded Writer Student Not a player Which one do you like? 

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Why Yoga? 6 Steps to Relieve Anxious Moods Naturally

  By Donna C. Moss Last updated: 11 Feb 2019 I’m anxious. Anxious traveler. Anxious driver. Anxious mother. There I said it. It was only when I found yoga with psychotherapy that I could regulate it on the spot. Now I use mind/body approaches in all my work. Why? Science has shown that the body… Continue reading Why Yoga? 6 Steps to Relieve Anxious Moods Naturally

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Depression Affects 15% of New Moms. A New Guideline Could Help Prevent It

TIME By JAMIE DUCHARME February 13, 2019 A new recommendation from a group of independent experts convened by the government could help more new and expecting mothers avoid depression, one of the most common complications of pregnancy and childbirth. The recommendation is the first from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) on preventing perinatal… Continue reading Depression Affects 15% of New Moms. A New Guideline Could Help Prevent It

Moving Forward

How to Stop Being Irritable — The Psych Talk

Everyone experiences irritability at some point in their lives but for some people, it can become problematic and affect their relationships and personal well-being. In this case, there are many things you can do in order to reduce your levels of irritability and have more productive encounters with others. Avoid triggers and Change Environments: Removing […]… Continue reading How to Stop Being Irritable — The Psych Talk

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

Stream of Consciousness Saturday Prompt “Critic/(cal).” #SoCS

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “critic(al).” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun! At the height of my career as a Sales Executive, I was critical of everyone who didn't do the agreed process. In the Consulting business processes are important, if a Recruiter sent an unqualified consultant to my client,… Continue reading Stream of Consciousness Saturday Prompt “Critic/(cal).” #SoCS