Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward · Survivor

The hidden abuse that can hurt your mental health: Gaslighting

Nearly half the women and men in the U.S. say they've endured psychological aggression from intimate partners. OCT. 4, 201903:45Oct. 4, 2019, 6:22 AM CDTBy Bianca Seidman Domestic abuse is a leading problem in American homes and it can take many different forms. When the abuse leaves no physical marks, outsiders may not recognize when all… Continue reading The hidden abuse that can hurt your mental health: Gaslighting

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

How To Care For Yourself When Dealing With Difficult People

By Dana BelletiereLast updated: 3 Oct 2019~ One of my friends tells her story of growing up with a mother with “issues” rather matter-of-factly, but the details are pretty grim to listen to. “She would stop talking to me for no reason, for days at a time, and put a gift on my bed when she decided… Continue reading How To Care For Yourself When Dealing With Difficult People

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Gluten-Free Salmon with Lime and Sesame Seeds Great for Holidays

Gluten-Freedom by Alessio Fasano, MD with Susie Flaherty   Ingredients: 1 1/2 to 2 pounds salmon (wild-caught preferred with skin on) Juice from 2-3 limes Olive Oil Sesame Seeds Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and coat very lightly with olive oil. Place salmon, skin side down, on parchment paper… Continue reading Gluten-Free Salmon with Lime and Sesame Seeds Great for Holidays

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

#Art Through Pain #KNOWvember

Dear pain warriors,Each November, U.S. Pain Foundation organizes a month-long educational campaign for the pain community. Recognizing that art and writing can help kids and adults cope with and/or express chronic pain and its effects on their lives, this year's KNOWvember campaign will focus on creativity.During the month, titled "Art through Pain: How Creativity Helps… Continue reading #Art Through Pain #KNOWvember

Men & Womens Health

Interview with Jay Jasper from The Alchemist — The Alchemist’s Studio

Originally posted on For the Love of Art: Please welcome Jay Jasper from The Alchemist at, He is a self-taught Raku pottery artist. He’s on the eve of publishing his first book, A Potter’s Dream: Myth and Legends. Jay takes an interesting approach to each piece of pottery by associating it with myths and legends…Interview… Continue reading Interview with Jay Jasper from The Alchemist — The Alchemist’s Studio

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Gluten-Free Spicy Italian Sausages-One Fork Easy

Gluten Freedom by Alessio Fasano, MD with Susie Flaherty Ingredients: Spicy Italian sausage (one per person) One 7 oz. jar sliced, sweet red pepper hulls One 8 oz. can tomato paste Heat a large skillet or frying pan. Add sausages and cover halfway with water. Cook over medium heat until sausages are halfway cooked (15-20… Continue reading Gluten-Free Spicy Italian Sausages-One Fork Easy

Men & Womens Health

#WATWB Home Depot Workers Help Neighborhood With Clean Up After Tornados

This week the DFW area was hit with 10 tornadoes, several in densely populated areas, most neighborhoods. Thankfully no one was killed and only a few injured. Several of the neighborhoods had 100-year-old trees that were torn out by the roots, it was heartbreaking. More heartbreaking was to see the number of homes with roofs… Continue reading #WATWB Home Depot Workers Help Neighborhood With Clean Up After Tornados