Moving Forward

Looking for the Light is under construction

Photo by ThisIsEngineering on I've had the same theme for years and frankly it's growing old. I'm looking for something that better fits my personality and offers the functionality we are all looking for. This is where your help is critical, I need feed back on what you would like to see, what widgets,… Continue reading Looking for the Light is under construction

Health and Wellbeing

What doctors and patients can learn from each other

U.S. Pain Foundation By Abigail Chua, DO, and Katie M. Golden,PP (professional patient) Headache Specialist Abigail Chua, DO, and Katie M. Golden—a self-proclaimed professional patient—candidly unravel best practices for creating a successful partnership. First appointment jitters Dr. Chua: Katie, what’s your biggest pet peeve when you see a health care professional for your headache disease? Katie: I… Continue reading What doctors and patients can learn from each other

Health and Wellbeing

Review of Aromalief Hemp Pain Relief Cream

I love Aromalief's Calming Hemp Pain Cream so much I've become an Affiliate. When you make a purchase thru the link you will not be charged an additional amount and will help fund my coffee habit.  My affiliate link takes you straight to the Aromalief site. Thank you. I'm reviewing Aromalief Hemp Pain Relief, Hemp… Continue reading Review of Aromalief Hemp Pain Relief Cream

Health and Wellbeing

How self-care (the right kind) can help you

U.S. Pain Foundation By Kerrie Smyres Between social media posts about spa days and advertising from the $450 billion wellness industry, it can be tempting to dismiss self-care as expensive gluttony. Yet when you have a chronic illness like migraine, self-care is a necessity rather than a treat. Instead of lavish pampering, self-care, when you’re… Continue reading How self-care (the right kind) can help you

Men & Womens Health

#Weekend Music Share

I hope you enjoyed the little bit of fun with last week's music. This is a great new tune by Dolly Parton. Virtual hugs. Have a great weekend. Melinda Welcome back to Weekend Music Share; the place where everyone can share their favourite music. Feel free to use the ‘Weekend Music Share‘ banner in… Continue reading #Weekend Music Share

Health and Wellbeing

Review of Aromalief Hemp Pain Relief Cream

I'm reviewing Aromalief Hemp Pain Relief, Hemp 1000MG as a member of Chronic Illness Bloggers and have not received payment for my review. I was thrilled to find the product is cruelty-free, vegan, PETA approved, and in a relaxing Lavender scent. I have not tried Hemp cream products before because of the smell and… Continue reading Review of Aromalief Hemp Pain Relief Cream

Men & Womens Health

Fibromyalgia Thoughts #2

I'm reposting for Fibromyalgia Awareness Month. Melinda Photo by Anna Shvets on The pain has moved to my lower body, it attacks every joint and muscle I have. For the past 10 days, my leg has caused a big problem, it's hard to walk. Any pressure on my leg makes me scream out in… Continue reading Fibromyalgia Thoughts #2

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

How to tame your inner advice monster

IDEAS.TED.COM May 18, 2020 / Michael Bungay Stanier This post is part of TED’s “How to Be a Better Human” series, each of which contains a piece of helpful advice from people in the TED community; browse through all the posts here. I caught up with a friend of mine a while ago. She’s smart, she’s brilliant, and she’s talented.… Continue reading How to tame your inner advice monster

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Tried and tested products for migraine

ORDER MAGAZINESCONTACT US U.S. Pain Foundation By Jaime Sanders Google “migraine products” and more than 48 million search results come up. How do you even begin to weed through options to find something that will help you manage your symptoms? Below are several products that have been put to the test by the migraine and headache… Continue reading Tried and tested products for migraine

Moving Forward

Happy Birthday Daddy

I'm reposting for Mental Health Awareness Month. I made peace with my father's suicide years ago. I also understand the challenge and suffering mental illness can bring. I also have Bipolar Disorder and have been suicidal many times. I'm thankful for a great healthcare team, most importantly a doctor who listens to my concerns, and… Continue reading Happy Birthday Daddy