Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

Male Sexual Assault-Road to Recovery

Mens Health Month RAINNEWS June 2017 Men and boys who have been sexually assaulted or abused face the same mental and physical effects as other survivors. Cultural stereotypes about men and how they portray masculinity can sometimes feel toxic to male survivors, adding additional challenges to their experience. Recovering from sexual assault or abuse is a… Continue reading Male Sexual Assault-Road to Recovery

Moving Forward

Week 4

This is a struggle for many after remarrying when children are part of the package. I’m reblogging to my site. We have catching up to do when you come up for air. M


Week 4. I’m still trying to catch up and it seems impossible. I don’t know anymore what has the priority after my family. I wish I could split in four, maybe that way something gets done.

A couple of weeks ago my ex sent me a message saying he couldn’t take care of our kids until he felt better. He gave me two options: 1) I had to take care of them. 2) He was going to look for professional help.
OK. I know what kind of an asshole he can be and when he said professional help, he didn’t mean he was going to get a shrink, he meant some kind of social services.
I really don’t need someone coming to my house and telling me how I have to raise my kids.
I took that as a hidden threat but I didn’t let him know I was terrified…

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Moving Forward

Looking Back Over My Shoulder -Humanities at (roughly) 450 mph

Another reflective post from SE.Enjoy. M

Sunflower Solace Farm

(Oooh, a fragmented lost in draft post, just found, from earlier this year)

Now that was a catchier title than “Getting to know  my fellow air travelers”, was it not?

Feet firmly back on the ground from vacation, I’ve been in hibernation from over-socialization. It isn’t that anyone was rude or intentionally draining either. I simply respond to excess people exposure like well-used rechargeable batteries – I wear out quickly.

Because my trip was an outgrowth from a surgical survival promise to myself, I tried to challenge my normal safety zones during this vacation. My normal flight behavior is book + headphones = polite ‘please ignore me’ signaling.  I’m one of those people that everyone feels compelled to chat with for some odd reason; sometimes to extremes. But I don’t like to be rude, so the book comes in handy as a passive indicator of the fact that I’m done…

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Moving Forward

Looking back over my shoulder with one eye ahead 2016 – 2017

From my dear friend SE, I know many can relate to her circumstances and struggles. M

Sunflower Solace Farm

“They” say this is the time of the year to reflect on your yearly posts.  Ach. Hit and/or miss. So many left in drafts because they were written late at night after work ended and there didn’t seem to be much ‘me’ in them; or maybe, too much of me in them. I look at the scrapped titles: “Adversity”; “Humanities at (roughly)450 mph”; “Need Cheese with my Whine”.  Hmm. Insert eye-roll here.  LOL.

So yeah. Here’s the down and dirty to save you a TL,DR experience if you’re inclined. This year was fookin’ tough. Take adoption-process special needs 7-year-old, add hellacious work experience, layer in moving, financial floundering, adult child drama, add a dose of exhausted, seasoned with a bit of grumpiness and self-doubt, range set to ‘occasionally ignite unexpectedly’ and baste in a nice sauce of “‘WTF do I do now?” Voila! 2016 in a nutshell 🙂

Have some…

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Moving Forward

Triple Shot Thursday *Musical Festivals*

Starting in late Spring-early summer the Music Festivals around the World kick off. If you ever get a chance to attend, don't let the crowds keep you away. Today we watch Imagine Dragons at Southwest Festival, Coldplay at legendary Glastonbury Festival and good friend James Bay at Ilse of the Wight Festival.  Enjoy  M… Continue reading Triple Shot Thursday *Musical Festivals*

Moving Forward

Help!!! What do you think of new Theme?

I upgraded my account now all Premium Themes are free. Great but mine doesn't look as nice and clean. Give it to me straight, the improvements are for you. I want the site to catch your attention, easy to maneuver, find resources and of course come back. Not sure I got this one right. All… Continue reading Help!!! What do you think of new Theme?

Moving Forward

Liebster Award

Shelton at Wrote a poem to post with the announcement of his Leibster Award. Thank you Shelton, you’ve been a good friend. M

Sheldon Kleeman


Stander,not your ordinary

Stander,will go beyond to

Complete a task,an ability

That far exceeds most man

Yet the sad truth is that this

Man is vulnerable,has an

Achilles Heel,can be brought

Down with a single blow

Stander is still the choice

When it comes to being

Picked because he is not

Afraid to lose,even with

The odds that a good fight……..

I am still the fighter in life’s

Square circle and will be

Till my arm can not be

Raised ,yes I am Stander

By definition, and I

Can be duplicated but

Never ever imitated

I would like to thank  Melanie for nominated me for the liebster Award

It always seems when I need it the most someone always steps I and gives

Me a hand,Melanie did just that,her blog is called she always has something good to say or a good song to listen to,so please do me…

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Moving Forward

Bucket List * Life of Adventure*

BUCKET LIST STARTED 2015 Chronic Lyme Disease has given me time to reflect on life's blessings. To stay motivated, I think of a bright future. Travel locations and adventures left to do. I want to help my community and keep expanding my mind. I’m preparing for my charity, with a focus is Pastoral work. Helping people,… Continue reading Bucket List * Life of Adventure*