Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

Celebrate Good Times, Come Over To Roast Danica Piche *It is a Surprise*

What is the Liebster Award? The word Liebster” (originating in German) has several definitions — dearest, sweetest, kindest, nicest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued. In the current context, this award recognizes bloggers who share their story or thoughts in a beautiful manner to connect with their viewers and followers. Here are the rules: Acknowledge the blog that… Continue reading Celebrate Good Times, Come Over To Roast Danica Piche *It is a Surprise*

Moving Forward

Triple Shot Thursday *Shredding Strings, Guitars, Guitars, Guitars*

I can't get enough of great guitar players, the ones who make funny facies and contoured bodies while playing. The artist passion comes thru the strings. There aren't any new videos here, my favorites are close by to share with you. I believe Friday is a Roast for a dear friend, make sure to stop… Continue reading Triple Shot Thursday *Shredding Strings, Guitars, Guitars, Guitars*

Moving Forward

After Good-bye

These beautiful words and the feels that go with, leave tears in my eyes, my heart aches. Like you, we’ve Survived to learn what’s most important.
Love ya Hugs

The Starting End

a3986f8d6cac136fd1a94ce68b6a87a4I told him I loved him
His hand held in mine, as I curled up
By his side
Stroked back his hair,
His forehead I kissed
And said it was time to go to the light

His breathing, then shallow
I fought not to cry,
I felt Dads soul leave
Right after he died

There once was a time I was not so lucky
When God took my Husband away
There were no good byes, no last words
Behind with our children, I would stay

Numb to the bone,
Not a clue where to start
Love, anger and rage
Ripped apart my heart

Did I arrive too late,or did he go too fast?
There is no more future
There’s now just a past

Its’ been so many years, 14 to this day
Questions still come and go
Is it fair to complain and bitch about life?
I’ve learned I’m just…

View original post 178 more words

Moving Forward

Just when she thought she was complying, she raged and broke apart

From one of the most imaginative writers, she is cool, assessable and I feel a deep connection to her, like we met before. M


Things at a distance …

The child learns

Not to burn herself on cooker top

Not to hold someone to their word

People don’t always return


Things learned at a distance

Words do not describe reality

Reality is not as they say

Life is funny and tastes of rain

One moment it flows then everything stops

Changes course

And you


Sometimes you are forgotten

For adults

Don’t always recall

The necessity of keeping their word

And that child

Grew with restraint and without rule

Clad in scraps of query and uncertainty

Unobserved, she learned not to learn

She didn’t sharpen her pencil and master how to take orders

Her mind they thought gifted but her’s was just a glib mouth with fast words

Sounding beneath the press of water, betraying its weight

Underneath she had no end to her dislike of being told what to do

And they…

View original post 483 more words

Fun · Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

I need a Rebel Yell, She cries more, more, more.

To C who's in Reserves Chromic Lyme caused many falls, some serious, some not. I took two good slams to my right knee in 18 months. It didn't prepare me for needing a knee replacement. They pain level from Lyme was so high,  the knee became part of the over all pain. I received the… Continue reading I need a Rebel Yell, She cries more, more, more.

Fun · Moving Forward

Triple Shot Thursday *Dance, Dance, Dance*

I've talked with new followers, touched base with loyal followers and found several great blogs to follow. Wow!!!! I'm refreshed. If you don't like the picks this week, you know what to do, the request line is open 24/7, leave your suggestion. Let's get some new music taste to wake me up. Have a great… Continue reading Triple Shot Thursday *Dance, Dance, Dance*