Moving Forward

Gentle Reminder: You’re Not Who You Think You Are

Guest Blogger Julie de Rohan

Julie de Rohan

Do you ever feel like a walking contradiction?

Does it feel as though you hold conflicting beliefs about yourself simultaneously?

It’s not unusual to have paradoxes within us.  The tension they create is often what brings us to counselling.

Clients frequently share with me what they think about themselves – “I’m greedy”, “I’m lazy”, “no one likes me”, “I’m not good enough”, “I’m a failure”.

Sometimes when they’re in the middle of describing themselves negatively, they do something quite astonishing.

They stop, look at me and say:

“But I know I’m a good person”.

It’s happened so often I can’t count.

They never say I think I’m a good person.  They always say I know I’m a good person.  It’s usually said with such beautiful clarity.  It’s as though they’ve checked in with themselves at a deeper level and found the truth.  They may be baffled by it, they may…

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Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

I’ve Been Nominated For The Disability Award

I'm blown away Stacey Chapman at awarded me The Disability Award. You have to check out her site, here's the original award post, Her sunny personality welcomes you with every post, she's informative, topics are fresh, up to date and she reviews products we might be interested in. She is very knowledgeable. Following her is a… Continue reading I’ve Been Nominated For The Disability Award

Celebrate Life · Fun

#SoSC Weekly Prompt *XP* I want to explain what Parathyroids are, there are four small glands behind the Thyroid. The purpose of the gland is to monitor Calcium in the body. When your Parathyroid is not working properly, which shows up on lab test, the test will show your Parathyroid gland is working overtime trying to level your calcium… Continue reading #SoSC Weekly Prompt *XP*

Moving Forward

We Are The World Blogfest #WATWB #23

We Are The World  Blogfest: Spreading Stories of Positivity and Compassion in Social Media Please forgive the crazy layout, WordPress is still crazy!!!!! Have a great weekend. M Nepalese Army Removes Two Tons Of Waste From Mount Everest April 20, 2019 The Nepalese Army has removed two tons of waste from Mount Everest under its… Continue reading We Are The World Blogfest #WATWB #23