Celebrate Life · Fun · Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

Nevada Falls & Vernal Fall Yosemite National Park

Classified as one of the Strenuous Hikes. I had the pleasure, sweating, beyond thirsty and pain of hiking Nevada Falls and Verna Falls. Vernal Falls is the highest and the longest hike for me. It's brutal. Suggestion: Lightweight weight clothes and hat covers back neck, Hiking gloves, walking stick, broken-in hiking boots, and carry as… Continue reading Nevada Falls & Vernal Fall Yosemite National Park

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

Throw Back Thursday *Let My Soul Fly*

I'm sending you health and happiness. Get lost in music, get your feet moving and GET GROVE ON.  Wild Horses remind me of unpleasant times in life, yet tied to my soul. I'm a Survivor, it's nice to remember. Wild Horses reminds me how far I've come.   XxM https://youtu.be/SQTHB4jM-KQ https://youtu.be/zUbzhcDEfl8 https://youtu.be/_Ri2KEiXlNk

Fun · Moving Forward

Yosemite National Park: Half Dome

  Wild Wild West by Melinda https://www.nps.gov/media/video/view.htm?id=6F8A61D7-E3B5-F2FD-0E7E5921833F1954 The summit of Half Dome is a dangerous place during a lightning storm. Check the weather forecast before your hike and try to reach the summit early in the day to avoid thunderstorms, which are more common in the afternoon (but can occur at any time). If a… Continue reading Yosemite National Park: Half Dome

Moving Forward

You can’t contract HIV from:


  • Donating Blood
  • Casual contact such as touching, holding hands, hugging
  • A cough, sneeze, tears, or sweat
  • An animal or insect bite
  • A toilet seat
  • From the hot tub or swimming pool

You can, however, get it these ways:

  • Unprotected sex of any kind
  • Sharing drug needles
  • May pass to a child during pregnancy or delivery
  • Blood transfusions, especially if it was before 1985

Symptoms of Infection are: fatigue, loss of appetite,chronic diarrhea,weight loss,a persistent dry cough,fever,night sweats, and swollen lymph nodes

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Celebrate Life · Moving Forward

Throw Back Thursday: Triple Shot *Queen Anthems of my younger self*

I spent a year in bad girl boarding school, many of us tried to dig out anyway possible. To dig out of our trauma, we wouldn't let our scars get in the way. We wanted a different life, a new positive perspective. I was 13-14 years old some girls close to 17-19 years old. Most every… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday: Triple Shot *Queen Anthems of my younger self*

Celebrate Life · Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward · Survivor

Thank You For Love And Prayers

Chronic Lyme has invaded my brain, emotions and bodies ability to move without tremendous pain. I'm blessed to have pain meds and others to provide comfort. Not being to walking is depressing. I wanted to thank you and Twitter buddies for your love, prayers and awesome videos sent my way. I love James Brown, his… Continue reading Thank You For Love And Prayers

Moving Forward

I’m moving on

Truth in words, I see your truth and never take our friendship for granted The words hit me deep inside, my dear friend is comfortable talking about her difficulties and better at picking the right song to express her pain. Please stop by http://www.fromthedarkintothelight42@wordpress.com and always proud to say she writes for Survivors Blog Here.… Continue reading I’m moving on

Moving Forward

Conversation: Autism and Bullying

Our friendship began on Twitter, She's a lovely women. We talked most days about James Bay, she helped James while he was on tour. We are both addicted to JB!  We always had videos or photos to share. Her son was beaten terribly by another Autistic boy in his class. It was heart breaking to hear… Continue reading Conversation: Autism and Bullying

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward · Survivor

Bridalveil Falls Yosemite National Park

Bridalveil Falls Bridalveil Fall (620 feet) Flows: all year, with peak flow in May. This is often the first waterfall visitors see when entering Yosemite Valley. In spring, it thunders; during the rest of the year, look for its characteristic light, swaying flow. You can see Bridalveil Fall from near the tunnels on the Wawona… Continue reading Bridalveil Falls Yosemite National Park