Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Mini Me Health Update

Photo by on My Parathyroid surgery was July 8th and I'm healing nicely. The surgeon found quite a surprise, I had five Parathyroids instead of four. She said it was rare. I hope that translates to feeling all the better. She is getting my calcium levels adjusted and it was painful in the… Continue reading Mini Me Health Update

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

How Grief Shows Up In Your Body

WEB MD By Stephanie Hairston July 11, 2019 -- It's surprising how physical grief can be. Your heart literally aches. A memory comes up that causes your stomach to clench or a chill to run down your spine. Some nights, your mind races, and your heart races along with it, your body so electrified with… Continue reading How Grief Shows Up In Your Body


#WATWB Standby’s overturn truck in freeway accident

When a 32-year-old driver became trapped in his overturned car on the highway, a dozen Good Samaritans rushed to his aid. The driver, Orlando Hernandez, lost control of his Ford pickup truck as he was driving on I-88 in Chicago earlier this week. Hernandez had been driving in the left lane when the tread of… Continue reading #WATWB Standby’s overturn truck in freeway accident


#SoSC Prompt for week “clean/dirty”

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun! The prompt for the week is "clean/dirty" use any way you like. This is the easiest #SoSC post to date, let's talk clean and dirty. While many things may come to mind, I'm talking about the kitchen… Continue reading #SoSC Prompt for week “clean/dirty”

Fun · Moving Forward

Get your Money for Nothing

If you've watched daytime television you've heard every get rich quick scheme, start your own business and make $3,000 this month.........I'm getting off track. I enjoy making money! I keep it simple by making money on purchases I'm already making. There are tons of apps that do coupons, check prices and anything imaginable if you… Continue reading Get your Money for Nothing

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Agrophobia Is Not Logical

Photo by Alexander Dummer on Whatever this obstacle is, it started 18 months ago, there wasn't a moment I can pin this inability on. Inability is the right word, I'm not afraid to leave the house, I've driven a few times in the past year, I know how to drive and live in the… Continue reading Agrophobia Is Not Logical