Lyme · Tick Borne Illnesses

Lyme Disease is an illness not who I am, losing is not an option

“You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the water slide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.” From BOSSYPANTS  by Tina Fey

I wanted to drop a short note to let people know I’m ok. I have good and bad days however it’s easy for me to remember so many have life much worse. Today is one of the rough days which are frustrating and they fuel my desire to fight harder. I am planning now for activities once I’m well. I get very excited looking at my to do list, even at 51 yrs old there are so many things to learn and see. God has kept my depression at bay which makes each day a little better. I like to share with people what I learn on this Lyme journey, so there is a photo if you ever need to dispose of used needles. In the US LabCorp will take used sharps properly dispose as medical waste. I have also enclosed one of my fav photos. Getting a diving certificate was difficult for someone who is claustrophobic, I asked the teachers to spend extra time with me in the pool we trained in and this photo was taken the day I got certified. It was a big accomplishment not as much for the diving as for the self-confidence. I had not found my wings by 1987, getting certified was the first dream I acted on and accomplished. It felt great. Forget is was Feb. in Texas, F 45 and we tested in a rock quarry only 33ft deep. Three pulled out for hyperthermia. I did not realize at the time and it was a shock stepping out of the shower later. I had sever mask squeeze and both eyes were blood-red from the burst blood vessels. It was glorious day in my memory bank and have seen another life underwater. Thanks for standing by me.

Container for used needles. I take three B12 shots a week.
Container for used needles. I take three B12 shots a week.
Final test for scuba certification 1987
Final test for scuba certification 1987


17 thoughts on “Lyme Disease is an illness not who I am, losing is not an option

    1. Praying Twin P,
      Of course getting drunk with you around the most fab pond in Europe is on mu list. I’m disappointed you didn’t say how young I looked in 1987! 🙂
      Scraps on knees from praying Twin M,

      1. Twin M,
        YOU LOOK GORGEOUS IN THAT PICTURE!!! And saying you looked young, does it mean that you don’t look that young anymore? No way Twin!!
        And start praying while you lay down 🙂
        Twin P

          1. shit Twin 😦
            Right now, I’m working on a Vomit Story 😀
            Maybe you can read it soon (but I truly hope you are sleeping now 🙂 )

  1. 🙂 Very nice Twin!! You managed to post 😀
    Congrats on the certificate! 🙂
    When I first saw the picture of the container, I thought it was a Vomitero!! I was thinking, there is no way she can manage to vomit through such a small hole!

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