Anxiety · Bipolar Disorder · Chronic Illness · Depression · Health and Wellbeing · Healthy Living · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health · Mental Illness · PTSD · Therapy

Hypomania: Bipolar Rollercoaster

When you have Bipolar Disorder it’s not just up or down, there’s an in-between, it’s called Hypomania. Of all the states of Bipolar Disorder, this is one of the most dangerous because you don’t see it and if you do, you don’t want it to end.

Photo by Dana Cetojevic on

I experienced Hypomania for 10 years, some of the best years of my life and after the fall, some of the worst years of my life.

My career was at an all-time high, I was an Executive Salesperson, number one in the company, winning award after award and making a very comfortable living.

When you have Bipolar Disorder, hypomania can make almost anything possible. I went to Russia by myself, traveled to France, around the United States, and the Caribbean with my friends.

My doctor kept telling me the higher you go the harder you fall. I didn’t want to give up the person I was. It’s intoxicating, so powerful, and hard to accept that it’s your illness in control.

I crashed hard, straight into the darkest depression. I got fired from my job, blew through my savings, and filed for bankruptcy. Did I mention getting divorced and building a new house? I lost everything.

What I lost was not worth the high. All the negative thoughts came back. My life is not as exciting, anxiety kept me in the house. Many days I didn’t get of bed. I was suicidal, requiring hospitalization on several occasions to receive ECT treatments to help bring me out of the darkness.

It’s been 20 years since I’ve felt manic in any form and it’s been a blessing. I’ve suffered several debilitating bouts with dark depression requiring hospitalization and ECT but my life stayed intact.

I have to give credit not only to my Psychiatrist and Therapist but to my husband. He started going on my doctor’s appointment with me from the beginning and this made a world of difference. I didn’t have to try and explain what was going on, he saw it from my conversations with the doctor and hearing it firsthand. My husband has been critical in helping me manage my Bipolar Disorder.

Don’t let the rollercoaster lure you in! As my doctor said, the higher you go the harder you fall. I know this to be true.


Celebrate Life · Crazy? · Friends · Fun · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Travel

Hot Air Balloon Mishap

Jackie&Me Balloon Ride
Celebrating after Balloon Ride

I can’t recall a time when adventure was not on my mind. I’m the thrill seeker who will travel halfway around the world to bungee jump off the highest bridge.

This is my friend Jackie (curly hair) who lives in England. Our birthdays are close so we enjoyed celebrating together when she lived here for a couple of years. A hot air balloon ride was my birthday gift that year and hers too. 

We live in a large city so we had to fly northeast. We lift off heading for the cow pastures in the distance. The sun slowly went down giving a beautiful light display. As we were landing the wind picked up. Before I know it we hit a tree, bounce up and over to another tree. I wasn’t scared of crashing, my interest was cow patties and cold champagne waiting. The mishap added to the adventure.

You will find ballooning in the French countryside on my Bucket List.

I would love to hear what you have on your Bucket List. 


Celebrate Life · Fun · Media · Moving Forward · Music · Parental Abuse · Survivor

Robert Goldstein Awarded Me Versatile Blogger Award

WOW! Mission Control we landed without to many Starbucks stops.


I’m thrilled to receive The Versatile Blogger Award from Robert Goldstein at Robert is a generous spirit. Thank you for choosing my blog worthy of The Versatile Award.

Robert has a mental illness called DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder. He is open about the struggles he face. He is a strong advocate for Mental Illness, the treatment patients receive at medical health facilities. Please check out his site, which includes artwork, short stories and Advocacy work. He’s an all around great guy. He always has my back!

The rules for receiving Versatile Blogger Award 

Thank the person who nominated you

Display award

Tell 7 things about yourself

Nominate  Bloggers who are worthy

Tell us 7 things about yourself

  • Buy old cameras
  • I’m a MAC/Apple lover
  • Passion for Photography
  • Collect old leather books
  • I’m afraid a snake will bite me when I go in to garage
  • Cleaning Gramps pieces and parts, old mechanical item.
  • Organized

Nominate 10 Bloggers

I’m smiling, it’s new day,

Xx  M

Advocacy · Celebrate Life

Hearding Chickens awarded Survivors Blog Here with The Versatile Blogger Award

We’re thrilled to receive The Versatile Blogger Award from Herding Chickens. If you have not stopped by, today is a great day to start. Her personality shines through her writing. Her and  husband have adopted two children. She shares the successes and struggle of Adoption. She’s a generous person.

Seven Answers

Paola’s Answers

Writing is my therapy. It heals my soul and makes me feel less lonely

I’d love to understand why I spend the whole week waiting for the Friday and the entire year waiting for the spring.

Melinda’s  Answers

I think a snake will bite me every time I enter the garage.

I don’t read instructions

I’m a chocolate addict

A Hawk family returns every year to lounge in our bird bath. I’ve named every generation, Hawke I love the wildlife in our neighborhood.

The Big Revel!


Lyme · Lyme Literate Doctor · Survivor

How Does Being Blind Change Your Life ?


Several months ago my vision changed drastically. I could barely read, saw things not there, my floaters looked like worms. My Lyme doctor looked and saw the worms and one of my Iris’s changed colors. Go see eye doctor she advised. It was time for new glasses and annual test. I left the eye exam shocked! I had lost vision in each eyes which did not look like glaucoma. The worms were there, one close to retina. He explained the test showing the print out at what it looked like. “I’ve never seen anything like this” Not what I expected to hear. Saying it looked like my optic nerve. He could not right a RX for glasses, I didn’t understand. He refered me to a Nuero-Opthomologist.

Over two appointments I had 10+ test. The last test hurt, I had wires in my eyes for 30 minutes. A current went thru one tucked in under my eyelids. I don’t care for lidocaine in my eyes. I always try to get information from techs. This time tried different approach, asking what each machine tested for and what would the results tell the doctor. I asked about the test with wires, would results identify glaucoma, the machine wasn’t used for Glaucoma. He sends test to expert for their perspective, means no answers until appointment on 10/20/15.  

Eye problems are mentioned in the Lyme Books I’ve read. I didn’t connect Lyme with eye problems. It makes sense now, I have three tick borne illnesses, at least one is attacking my brain. The optic nerve is referenced in books as both Upper or Lower. I now see how Lyme could cause inflammation of the optic nerve. I’m scared of going blind. It doesn’t cross my mind until I see something that is not there.

I have a positive outlook and will deal with any challenge God puts in front of me. I’ve had so several health issues. Brain surgery at 33, at 28 cervical cancer with a total hysterectomy and two terrible car wrecks. I’m a strong woman like my granny, nothing kept her down.  

XO   M  

Celebrate Life · Music

Throw Back Thursday * New tune by Adam Levine

Sorry for the delay in posting, I’m in DC for doctors appotment. I picked virus on MAC has a virus that’s stubborn. From what “”David can see the virus in propagated in music video off Be care full. but will surely like. Get your dancing shoes one.

I hope you enjoy, I’ll update everyone on my health when return,

Advocacy · Ted Talks

ما ديني تقول حقا حول المرأة * آخر باللغة العربية *

Hello friend,

I use Google Translator, please excuse if translation not correct. I’m an American, do not speak Arabic and wanted to reach out by doing my first post in Arabic. I would love to hear your comments.

May Allah bring you and your family blessings.


آلاء مرابط
مكانةُ المرأة الحقيقية في ديني

في طريقي إلى هنا، أجريت محادثة شيقة مع الراكب الذي بجانبي خلال رحلتي قال لي :”يبدو أن الولايات المتحدة تُعاني من البطالة لأنهم يختلقون بعض الوظائف فقط: كعالم نفس القطط و مدرب للكلاب و متعقب الأعاصير”

بعد بضعة ثوان سألني: إذن ما عملك ؟

وقلت له :”داعية للسلام ” (ضحك)

كل يوم أعمل لدعم صوت النساء، ولتسليط الضوء على تجاربهن ومشاركاتهن في عمليات السلام و حل النزاعات. وبسب عملي أدركت أن الطريقة الوحيدة لضمان المشاركة الكلية للنساء عالميًا هي عن طريق استعادة الدين.

والآن، هذا الموضوع في غاية الأهمية لدي كامرأة مسلمة شابة ، أنا فخورة جدًا بديني. فهو يعطيني القوة والقناعة لإتمام عملي كل يوم. وهو السبب في وقوفي أمامكم. لكن لا يمكنني ان أتغاضى عن الضرر الذي حصل باسم الدين، ليس ديني فقط، ولكن كل الديانات في العالم. التحريف وسوء الاستخدام والتلاعب بالنصوص المقدسة كل هذا أثر على معاييرنا الاجتماعية والثقافية، و قوانينا وحياتنا اليومية، إلى حد لا ندركه في بعض الأحيان.

انتقل والديّ من ليبيا في شمال افريقيا لكندا في أوائل سنة 1980. وأنا الطفلة الوسطى من بين 11 طفلًا. نعم،11. و خلال نشأتي رأيت والديّا متدينين و روحانين؛ يصلون لله و يحمدونه على نعمه. أعني رأيت هذا بطبيعة الحال ، ولكن مع آخرين (ضحك) كانا لطيفين ومضحكين وصبورين، صبورين بلا حدود، وجود11 طفلا يفرض عليك هذا الصبر. و كانا عادلين. لم أخضع قط للدين من خلال منظار ثقافي. تمت معاملتي بالمثل، وكان متوقع مني نفس الشيء. لم أفكر مطلقًا أن الله يحاسب على أساس النوع. و كانت معرفة والديّ عن الله بأنه صديق رحيم و نافع ومعطاء، قدشكلت طريقي في النظر للعالم.

و بالطبع لنشأتي منفعة إضافية. أن تكون من بين 11 طفلا هو مدخل إلى الدبلوماسية 101.(ضحك) ليومنا هذا يتم سؤالي :في أي مدرسة درستِ؟ مثل: “هل درستِ في كلية كينيدي بهارفرد؟” وأنظر إليهم وأجيبهم قائلة ” لا “، درست في مدرسة المرابط للشؤون الدولية” هي حصرية للغاية، عليك التكلم مع أمي للالتحاق بها. من حسن حظكم أنها هنا. أن تكون من بين 11 طفلًا ولديك 10 أشقاء يعلمك الكثير عن هياكل القوة والتحالفات. و التركيز، عليك التكلم بسرعة أو الاختصار، لأنه سوف تتم مقاطعتك دائما. يعلمك أهمية المراسلة. عليك طرح أسئلة بطريقة صحيحة لتحصل على الإجابات المقنعة، و عليك أن تقول لا بالشكل الصحيح ليبقى السلام.
ولكن أهم درس تعلمته خلال نشأتي هو أهمية أن تكون مشاركا . عندما يكسر مصباح أمي المفضل، علي أن أكون هناك عندما تحاول اكتشاف كيف و من فعل هذا لأدافع عن نفسي، لأنك إذا لم تقم بذلك، فستُوجّه إليك أصابع الاتهام، وقبل معرفتك بذلك، ستُعاقب. بطبيعة الحال أنا لا أتكلم عن خبرة.

عندما كنت 15 سنة في 2005 أنهيت الثانوية وانتقلت من كندا — ساسكاتون — للزاوية ، ،مسقط رأس أبي وأمي في ليبيا، مدينة تقليدية جدا. تذكروا، لم أذهب قطّ إلى ليبيا في عطلة، وكطفلة في السابعة من عمرها، كان ذلك كالسحر. كانت مثلجات ورحلات للشاطئ وأقارب ممتعين.

بالنظر إلى ذلك، اتضح انه ليس نفس الشعور لفتاة في الخامسة عشرة. وسرعان ما تم تقديمي للجانب الثقافي الديني كلمة “حرام”– تعني ممنوعٌ دينيًا و”عيب” غير لائق ثقافيًا– يتم استعمال المفردتين دون إيلاء أهمية للفرق بينهم، كما لو أن لهن نفس المعنى ونفس النتائج. ووجدت نفسي في نقاشات متتابعة مع زملائي في الدراسة و الزملاء والأساتذة والأصدقاء، وحتى الأقارب، قد بدأوا التساءل حول دوري وطموحاتي. وبالرغم من الأسس التي زودني بها والديّ فإني وجدت نفسي أتساءل عن دور المرأة في ديني

لذلك في مدرسة المرابط للشؤون الدوليّة، تعمقنا كثيرا في النقاش، والقاعدة رقم 1 كانت أن أبحث، و هذا ما فعلته، وتفاجأت كم كان يسيرًا أن أعثر على نساء قائدات في ديني، ممن كن مبتكرات وقويات — سياسيًا و اقتصاديًا و عسكريًا حتى. خديجة رضي الله عنها هي من موّلت الحركة الإسلامية في مرحلتها الأولى. لم نكن لنكون هنا هذا اليوم لو لم يكن ذلك لأجلها. إذن لماذا لم نكن نتعلم عنها؟ لماذا لا نتعلم عن هؤلاء النساء ؟ لماذا يتم إبعاد المرأة للمواقع التي سبقت تعاليم ديننا ؟ ولماذا ؟ -إن كنا متساوين عند الله- لسنا متساوين في أعين الرجال ؟

بالنسبة لي، يعود كل ذلك للدروس التي تعلمتها في صغري. صانع القرار، الشخص الذي يسيطر على الرسالة جالس على الطاولة، ولسوء الحظ في كل ديانة عالمية ليس هناك نساء. المؤسسات الدينية مسيطر عليها من قبل الرجال يقودها الرجال و قد أنشأوا سياسات حسب رغباتهم، وإلى أن نستطيع تغيير النظام بأكمله فنحن في الحقيقة لا نتوقّع مشاركة كليّة للمرأة اقتصاديًا وسياسيًا. أساسنا معطل. قالت أمي لا تستطيع بناء منزل سليم على أساس أعوج.

في 2011، اندلعت الثورة الليبية، وكانت عائلتي على خطوط المواجهة. وهناك الشيء المدهش الذي يحدث في الحرب، و هو تقريبا تحوّل ثقافي، مُؤقّت جدا. وكانت المرة الأولى التي شعرت فيها ليس فقط بقبولي للمشاركة ولكن شعرت بتشجيعي. لقد كان مطلوبًا. أنا ونساء أخريات كان لنا مقاعد على الطاولة لم نكن في الخلف أو مشجعات فقط. كنا جزءا من صانعي القرار. كنا نتبادل المعلومات، كنا في غاية الأهمية. وأردت واحتجت لذلك التغيير أن يكون دائما.

اتضح لي، أن الأمر ليس بتلك السهولة. استمر فقط بضعة أسابيع قبل أن تعود النساء اللواتي عملت معهنّ إلي أدوارهنّ السابقة. و معظمهن تم طردهن بتشجيع من قادة دينيين وسياسيين. و معظمهم استشهد بآيات قرآنية كدفاع عن أنفسهم وهي طريقة اكتسابهم للدعم الشعبي لآرائهم.

لذا ركزت في البداية على تعزيز مكانة المرأة اقتصاديا وسياسيا. اعتقدت أن ذلك سيُحدث تغييرا ثقافيا واجتماعيا. اتضح أنه كان تغييرا طفيفا جدا وليس بصفة كُليّة. قررت استخدام دفاعاتهم على أنها طريقة هجومي، وبدأت بالاستشهاد بأيات قرآنية كذلك.
في 2012 و2013، قادت منظمتي واحدة من أكبر وأكثر الحملات انتشارا في ليبيا. دخلنا البيوت والمدارس والجامعات وحتى المساجد . تحدثنا مع 50,000 شخص مباشرة ومئات الآلاف من خلال اللوحات والإعلانات التلفزيونية و الإذاعية والملصقات.

وعلى الأرجح أنكم تتساءلون كيف يمكن لمنظمة حقوق المرأة القيام بذلك في مجتعات عارضت في السابق مجرد وجودنا. استخدمت نصوصا مقدسة. آيات قرآنية وأحاديث نبوية. الأحاديث ،أقواله على سبيل المثال، “خيركم خيركم لأهله ” ” انصر أخاك ظالمًا أو مظلوما ” و لأول مرة دعا خطباء الجُمع في المجتمع المحلي لتعزيز حقوق المرأة. ناقشوا القضايا المحرمة، مثل العنف المنزلي تغيرت السياسات . في مجتمعات معينة كان علينا أن نذهب لأقصى حد مثل الإعلان الدولي العالمي لحقوق الانسان، يمكن معارضته لأنه لم يكتب بواسطة علماء الدين. حسنا،هذه نفس المبادئ في كتابنا. لذلك قامت الأمم المتحدة باستنساخنا فقط.

وعن طريق تغيير الرسالة كنا قادرين على توليد رواية بديلة دعمت حقوق النساء في ليبيا. إنه شيء تم استنساخه الآن دوليا، و أؤكد بأنه ليس سهلًا — صدقوني إنه ليس كذلك. سيقول الليبراليون بأنك تستخدم الدين وسيصمونك بالمحافظ الرجعي بينما سيصفك المحافظون بأشياء كثيرة ومختلفة. لقد سمعت كل شيء: مثل “يجب على والديك أن يشعرا بالعار”– مخطؤون فهما من أكبر المعجبين — ” لن تصمدي لعيد ميلادك الثاني” — مرة أخرى مخطؤون. لأنني صمدت. وبقيت مؤمنة قوية بأن حقوق المرأة والدين لا يتعارضان. ولكن علينا أن نكون على الطاولة. علينا أن نتوقّف عن التخلي عن مناصبنا لأننا عندما نصمت، فإننا نسمح باستمرار الاضطهاد و الاعتداء على النساء في العالم. و بالقول بأننا سنقاتل لأجل حقوق المرأة ونحارب المتطرفين بالقنابل والحرب، فإننا نشلّ المجتمعات المحلية التي تحتاج لمعالجة هذه القضايا لتدوم.

ليس سهلا تحدّي الديانات المحرّفة. سيكون لك حصة كافية من السخرية والإهانة والتهديد. ولكن علينا القيام بذلك. ليس لدينا حلّ آخر سوى استعادة رسالة حقوق الانسان و مبادئ ديننا. ليس لنا، ليس للنساء في عائلتك، ليس لأجل النساء اللاتي في هذه القاعة، و لا لأجل النساء اللاتي خارجها، ولكن للمجتمعات التي سوف تتغير بمشاركة النساء. والطريقة الوحيدة لفعل ذلك و خيارنا الوحيد أن نكون ونبقى مشاركين.

شكرا لكم.



Celebrate Life

The Sunshine Award from Michelle of Putting my Feet in the Dirt


My friend Michele from Putting my Feet in the Dirt   nominated me for the beautiful Sunshine Award. Thank you Michelle

Michelle’s Blog is Christian based Blog with a wide variety of post on travel, children, short stories. She is funny and serious when needed. Michelle is a great supporter to the WordPress community. Do yourself a favor and stop by to see what’s she’s up to.

Rules for participating. Have fun.

Thank the person who nominated you.
Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
Nominate a few other bloggers.
Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you nominated.
Notify the bloggers on their blog.
Put the award button on your blog.


1. If a zombie apocalypse would happen right this very minute, are you going to            tweet about it? But seriously, are you going to fight or run? Why?

I’m running. I don’t know what Zombie’s can do so I’ll get out of there.

2. How would you spend a million dollars?

Make contribution to charities I support. Then get on airplane and see the world.

3. What thing would you want to change yourself?

I cuss too much, it’s a bad habit I’ve had since childhood.

4. What’s your chinese birth year sign? I’m best suited for breeding.


5. If you could invent something, what is that? why?

This is hard, there so many. Clean drinking water to prevent children from dying of                                                        preventable disease. I have to add a far-fetched invention. Magic fairy dust to have all wars      stopped and peace around the world. I can always wish.

6. A gift that you would love to receive on your birthday?

A ticket around the world first class by myself and guide. Traveling alone is the best way  To top the dream birthday, a new professional camera and gear. We can’t forget bug spray, tall very think boots for snakes and a gun to kill anything trying to take me down.

7. What is WordPress effect in your life and your message to me as your fellow blogger?

My life with WP is shaped by the people I meet. It’s great to meet people with similar interest to BS with, great writers to admire. I can reach out to people who are struggling and offer  someone to talk to. My heart is filled with sunshine in many ways being in the WP family.

A message to a fellow bloggers: Being rude to follower or response to comment isn’t worth it. If you have a desire to grow your followers, thank each person for stopping by your site. Write for yourself not for the number of followers.

The nominations have opened my mind and touched my soul. Congrats!


XO Melinda

Celebrate Life · Survivor

Putting foot in the Dirt *Nominated Me For Liebster Award* Yay!

Michelle from  nominated me for the prized Liebster Award. Michele’s blog is informative, Christian based and makes you stop and soul search at times. I really enjoy talking to her and learning about her life outside of blogging. You have to check out her site , Michelle’s writing will inspire you.

11 facts about me

I watch true crimes programs on tv. I’ve learned so much about basic self-defense, stalking and how many family members kill each other. It’s very informative.

I’m concerned about underserved children in my community and shelters. My concern expands to children around the world. Working with children is the first initiative of the charity.

I love Pop Tarts, grateful for delicious gluten-free brands.

I loved jewelry as a child and have several necklaces made as a little one. Making  jewelry builds my confidence, growing when each piece comes out correctly.

A family of Hawks hang out on the bird bath. They enjoy drinking and cooling off. Sometimes three get in bath, making it a bit overcrowded.

I love to compost, worms and all.

Love to decorate and or planning changes.

Enjoy mapping my Ancestors, have found big surprises along the way.

Enjoy learning, there are thousands of free courses. I recently started a course at Stanford University on Human Trafficking.

Riding horses is a spiritual experience.

Love antique Leica rangefinder camera’s.

I have to duck out on nominations due to health. Take a look at your blog, have you worked hard to achieve original goals. If so you deserve the award. Follow the rules and pass the award along.


Celebrate Life · Fun

Sunshine…memories of Sail Racing topped with breathtaking sunset


OH HAPPY DAY!  Dedicated to you.

Recreational Sport Vacation Yachting On The Ocean In The Summer
Sport Racing In The Brilliant Sunshine

I am a Cancer and nothing could fit better. I love the water, sailing and joined a team to race on friends 30′ sailboat. Beautiful memories sailing and watching the sunset enjoying a deep red wine.  I hope you have sunshine in your life today.   XO  M



Images By Graphic Images


Celebrate Life · Moving Forward · Survivor

Third and Last Day of The Quote Challenge

“This to shall pass”

Believed to originated in writings of the Medieval Persian Sufi Poets. 

The quote appeared in tales by the English Poet Edward Fitzgerald and in speech by Abraham Lincoln before becoming president.

Abraham Lincon

 My granny used the quote probably before I was born. Times were very difficult for the family when her father died in 1930, granny was 9 years old. They had no money, insurance and no idea what tomorrow would bring. Both my granny and her mother were deeply religious, my guess this quote comforted them. I started using at some point simply because if I can survive, tomorrow can bring a blessing. The quote was not a religious quote to me. Fast forward to being a caregiver to both of my grandparents. I loved my gramps so much but several times a day I wanted to strangle him. I’d say to myself  “This to shall pass”. I tell you the above because the quote “This To Shall Pass” is religious to me now.  I changed in the 10 years taking care of my grandparents, what came after depression, ECT, hospitalization, Heart problems and Lyme Diease…….One day I woke up and the quote felt different, like God sent a message I’m at the wheel. Today there is a warmth in my heart to help others. The awakening gave the strength to become an Ordained Minister and start charity, God’s Tree of Life Ministries. I have enjoyed the Quote Challenge and hope you have to.   XO  Warrior



Through The Open Lens

Aniket Sharm Photography

Celebrate Life · Moving Forward · Parental Abuse · Survivor

Three Day Favorite Quote Challenge * Day Two *

I’ve been nominated by my friend Cosme, for a Challenge which includes three days of your favorite Quotes. It’s Day Two of the challenge and I am having so much fun. I’m saving the best for last. Thank you Cosme for nominating me. If you are not familiar with, please stop by you are in for a treat. The requirement is to write three post, one each day, of your favorite quote.

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light”

Aristotle Onassis

These Eyes


As a two-year old beaten by my mother, I had to think of brighter days. Eyes dead of emotion from an innocent child is heartbreaking. Over the years people entered my life leaving sprinkles of sunshine. At some point the sprinkles became a force within me. I would not live bitter or let my past control the future. I found sunshine as you can see from the photo above. The sparkle in my eyes and wide smile are my best features.  XO  Warrior



Through The Open Lens

Aniket Sharma Photography

If you have not visited each blog, stop by to find new favorites. 


Happy Fathers Day Gramps *Memories Fill My Heart With Joy*

I love you Gramps. The memories we made fill my heart with joy. Teaching me how to fish. The first fish I caught, standing up almost turning the boat over. At 13 you gave me a 16 gauge shot-gun, we went to the levees to practice. I shot a duck out of season, you were pretty cool about that. Laughing when I shot at dragonflies. I will always remember throwing trash cans in truck, heading to levy for driving lessons. He picked up more cans on parallel parking.

Gramps didn’t hear this song, he didn’t know Carrie Underwood. He would rather listen to Buck Owens or George Jones, old-time country. This song touched me deeply, I can’t listen to without crying. I’ll see you soon. I know this is my temporary home.  XO Melinda

Men & Womens Health

Bucket List Friday * St. Petersburg, Russia *

Traveling to Russia was/is number one on my Bucket List, a trip of a life time. Traveling alone without knowing the language is true adventure for me! The hotel provided A+ support and everyone treated me like a Princess. I felt safe walking after dark, the hotel called letting them know I was leaving now. I would get to the restaurant and some one would great me. The Astoria see’s many Costa Nostra everyday. The Astoria is one of two five-star hotels, I can see why they like hanging around. I’m not blind, crime is hard to miss when they wear suits and walk tall like they own the house, right under your nose. The best way to find them is eat around 3:00PM, only two people and inquiring eyes. One day I stopped for a late lunch. Found couple alone, the guy would not take his eye of me, I knew right away. On the way out he came very close to the table and said “American? smiling, enjoy the rest your day”. I’m fascinated by the Mafia. I’ll share how the Mafia touched my life one day.

I fell in love with gypsy music, vodka with every meal, Cathedrals and caviar. Being a short-term Princess wasn’t bad either. I will make another trip to St. Petersburg, maybe a glimpse of Moscow. I was close to boarding the time The Towers fell. Airspace shut down for a week, I left when airspace lifted. Nothing could prepare me for people from many counties coming up telling me how terrible it was, hug me, cry, the beauty of traveling. You never know what’s in the Cracker Jack box.     XO Warrior









Russia Bridge Lions


Children · Music

Throw Back Thursday * SURPRISE….They Are Doing What?? *


I’m sending you fun, a big smile and inspiration. All you need is your dancing shoes. It’s nice to see celebrities passionate, invested and real without fluff. I love the song, it makes me happy. The inventive ways people included the song in tells me its universal.   XO Warrior



Advocacy · Bullying · Children · Mental Illness

National Alliance of Mental Illness * Advocacy Update *

NAMI Advocacy Update

 NAMI Advocates works tirelessly to educate, their website is a great resource, most important is they are always working for us and injustices.   XO Warrior

21st Century Cures Bill Passes House Committee

The House Energy & Commerce Committee passed 21st Century Cures on May 21st— a bipartisan bill designed to push for the development of new therapies for diseases that are not being treated successfully. This bill includes new dollars for the National Institutes of Health Opportunity Fund totalling $10 billion over five years.

The bill does not target specific diseases or illnesses, but it does leave open the possibility of investments in new clinical trials or therapeutic interventions for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, and other mental health conditions. The 21st Century Cures bill is expected to come to a vote in the full House of Representatives in June.

View NAMI’s letter of support for this important bill.

17 U.S. Senators Write Letter To HHS Citing NAMI Parity Report

In a first step to addressing some vital concerns in Affordable Care Act health plans, a group of U.S. Senators sent a letter to Secretary Sylvia Burwell (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) calling for action to ensure transparency and mental health parity. The letter cites NAMI’s report “A Long Road Ahead” noting, among other issues, that consumers cannot get the detailed information they need to make informed decisions when buying a health plan.

Read the letter.

Stepping Up To Reduce The Number of People With Mental Illness In Jails

NAMI helped jumpstart the Stepping Up Initiative on Capitol Hill this month as part of a national effort to divert people with mental illness from jails and into treatment. The campaign brings together a powerful coalition of national organizations, including NAMI, the Council of State Governments Justice Center, the National Association of Counties, the American Psychiatric Foundation and many law enforcement associations, mental health organizations, and substance abuse organizations.

The initiative will challenge counties and local communities to work together to find solutions that work for their local community.

See how you can step up.

Tell Congress To Help New Veterans Keep Their Mental Health Medications

The way things stand now, if you decide to transition out of military service and into veteran status, your medication might not transfer with you. This is unacceptable. Urge your member of Congress and ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 2123 the Enhancing Veterans Access to Treatment Act.Tell them it is not ok to take away a medication that works for a service member simply because he or she transitioned out of service.

Email Congress.

Tweet Congress.

Bright Spot: NAMI Minnesota

This legislative session NAMI Minnesota led the Minnesota Mental Health Legislative Network to increase mental health funding in the 2016 state budget. Their motto, “We know what works; let’s build on it.” This coordinated campaign helped secure $46 million in new funding for mental health services and supports.

“It was the most new money invested in mental health in our state’s history. There was truly a recognition that there is no silver bullet for fixing the mental health system. Significant investments were made all up and down the continuum,” said Sue Abderholden, executive director of NAMI Minnesota.


Advocacy · Bullying · Children

Books Matter *Anti-Defamation League Update By *

Books Matter: An update from ADL
by the team

Jun 1, 2015 — The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) would like you to support and share with others the launch of their exciting new education initiative for educators and parents which uses children’s books as a mechanism to discuss bias, prevent bullying and promote discussion and awareness of diversity and social justice. Anyone who has ever read to or with a child knows that books have the potential to create lasting impressions.

Beyond their educational benefits, books have the power to instill empathy, affirm a sense of self, teach about others, transport one to unfamiliar places and inspire action. “Books Matter: The Best Kid Lit on Bias, Diversity and Social Justice” is a bibliography of over 600 books organized into 11 categories and reviewed by ADL’s anti-bias education experts. The categories include anti-bias, bullying awareness, anti-Semitism, racism, religious bigotry, gender and sexism, genocide and the Holocaust, LGBT people and issues, and social justice. As part of the initiative, ADL is also featuring a series of podcasts including interviews with children’s authors whose works are highlighted in the Book of the Month.

Books Matter

Advocacy · Mental Illness

Survivors Blog Here is thrilled to announce Robert Goldstein has joined our team.


“As far as your eyes can see, the universe can see farther”  Oprah

Survivors Blog Here is breaking out the happy dance. We’re excited to announce Robert Goldstein has joined our team. Stop by, pull up a chair, his site http://artbyrobertmgoldstein engulfs you then pulls you back looking for another gem.

Robert is a strong advocate for mental illness, he supports the WP family by sharing personal experiences of his journey with mental illness. He is a multi-year member of Blog for Mental Illness.

Robert’s talent includes poetry, photo art, writing, art work and don’t forget to click on Flicker button. His skills as a photograph takes artistry to a new level. His site is laid out nicely, topics are easy to find. He’s an all around nice guy.

 What are you waiting for, you can catch his work at or We look forward to seeing you soon.

Welcome from the Survivors Blog Here team!