Dating Violence · Moving Forward · Rape · Sexual Abuse · Survivor

Bill Signed by President Obama for Rape Survivor Rights *No Victory Dance for Me*

Tunnel Light

This morning the AOL Sports Section wrote more articles on Sexual Assault cases than I could count. Lots of excuses as well. One College football player said “I had oral sex with her but no intercourse”, did she consent?  It’s long past time for accountability, all sports, girls and boys, men and women, all ages. By allowing owners and coaches to look the other way is deplorable.

A football player sexually assaults a woman with no jail time, a 20-year-old shares marijuana brownies with friends and spends 20 years in Texas jail. What is wrong with this picture?

Sports Team Owners, Team managers, College Administrators, High School Superintendents, Olympic Coaches and The Court System all need to serve jail time for their gross negligence.

Isn’t someone ashamed, enough excuses. I vote for harsh jail terms, no return to sports and permanently placed on Sex Offender list.

Listen carefully and long enough to get the message. I think partnered with the Video company. celebrates the Victory of President Obama signing a Bill for Rape Survivors. The current climate doesn’t feel like a victory dance to me.

Talk to me! I shake my head but know we all have to move forward before change happens.

Xx M

Moving Forward

FDA Warning on Zerbaxa *Cautions about Dose Confusion and Medication Errors*

I’m glad the FDA works hard to monitor all prescription drugs. FDA MedWatch researches every medication error reported. Included the junk promoted on T.V. even though the FDA technically is not responsible for non FDA products. What bothers me is Zerbaxa, a common antibacterial drug used by doctors. The errors are happening at the pharmacies. The FDA Audience: Nursing, Pharmacy, Risk Managers.  The recommendation is for Health Care Wokers and Patients to report side effects and medication errors taking Zerbaxa. How are we to know to look for errors when we have not received warning? How can we take responsibility for making sure pharmacy mixes the proper dosing? I don’t have an answer, my recommendation is visit FDA MedWatch and sign up for notices sent when errors occur   XO Warrior

FDA MedWatch – Zerbaxa (ceftolozane and tazobactam): Drug Safety Communication – FDA Cautions about Dose Confusion and Medication Errors


Zerbaxa (ceftolozane and tazobactam): Drug Safety Communication – FDA Cautions About Dose Confusion and Medication Errors

[Posted 05/20/2015]

AUDIENCE: Nursing, Pharmacy, Risk Manager

ISSUE: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning health care professionals about the risk for dosing errors with the antibacterial drug Zerbaxa (ceftolozane and tazobactam) due to confusion about the drug strength displayed on the vial and carton labeling. (See the Drug Safety Communication for Label Photos).

FDA evaluated seven reported cases of medication error that occurred during preparation of the dose in the pharmacy due to confusion with the display of the strength of individual ingredients on Zerbaxa’s vial labels and carton labeling. Listing the individual drug strengths led to confusion because it was different from labeling for other drugs in the beta-lactam/beta-lactamase class that express strength as the sum of the two active ingredients. In some cases, this led to administration of 50% more drug than was prescribed. No adverse events were reported among these seven cases.

BACKGROUND: Zerbaxa is used to treat complicated infections in the urinary tract, or in combination with the antibacterial drug metronidazole to treat complicated infections in the abdomen. Antibacterial drugs work by killing or stopping the growth of bacteria that can cause illness.

RECOMMENDATION: FDA urges health care professionals and patients to report side effects and medication errors involving Zerbaxa to the FDA’s MedWatch Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program:

Complete and submit the report Online:
Download form or call 1-800-332-1088 to request a reporting form, then complete and return to the address on the pre-addressed form, or submit by fax to 1-800-FDA-0178
Read the MedWatch safety alert, including links to the Drug Safety Communication, at:

You are subscribed to MedWatch Safety Alerts for U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

Music · Rape · Sexual Abuse

Throw Back Thursday *Clapton Cocaine, Zeppelin Rock & Roll*

A couple music favorites from my wild child days. By 12 years old I already lived a lifetime, the drugs probably kept me alive. Read my About Me page and you may agree. I would break a kilo of marijuana down to four finger bags in a couple of hours. Using old fashion sandwich bags, just roll and lick to seal.  My 21-year-old boyfriend was a dealer and we would sell kilo in two nights. This became our Friday ritual every two weeks. There is a long story behind how a drug addicted 12-year-old missed out playing with Barbie’s. I had Angels guiding my path.   XO Warrior

Music · Rape · Sexual Abuse

Throw Back Thursday *Clapton Cocaine, Zeppelin Rock & Roll*

A couple music favorites from my wild child days. By 12 years old I already lived a lifetime, the drugs probably kept me alive. Read my About Me page and you may agree. I would break a kilo of marijuana down to four finger bags in a couple of hours. Using old fashion sandwich bags, just roll and lick to seal.  My 21-year-old boyfriend was a dealer and we would sell kilo in two nights. This became our Friday ritual every two weeks. There is a long story behind how a drug addicted 12-year-old missed out playing with Barbie’s. I had Angels guiding my path.   XO Warrior


Stalking Awareness: Spotlight On Marianne Bezaire * Marianne is a true Survivor*

If you’ve been stalked, you understand why the hair on my neck went up reading Marianne Bezaire’s nightmare. Starting in my late 20’s I was stalked for six years. The trauma on my family gut wrenching, we lived paralyzed by fear. At the time women being stalked received similar attitudes from some law enforcement agencies as rape survivors.  XO Warrior

1 in 6 women – and 1 in 19 men – have experienced stalking at some point during their lifetime
66% of female stalking victims are stalked by someone they know
46% of stalking victims fear not knowing what will happen next
29% of stalking victims fear the stalking will never stop
1 in 8 employed victims lose time from work as a result of their victimization
1 in 7 stalking victims move as a result of their victimization*

For survivor Marianne Bezaire, these aren’t just statistics – she experienced it all personally when an acquaintance became her rapist, and then her stalker.

Marianne was drugged and sexually assaulted at a friend’s party. When she woke up the next morning and drove herself home, her attacker followed her and discovered where she lived. This was the beginning of an awful ordeal that involved the stalker breaking into her home, blackmailing her with information he found while reading her personal journals, hacking into her computer and email, and more. Marianne says she lived in fear of what he would do next, and “one of the worst parts of the situation was dealing with how hard it was to get support.”

Those around her often minimized the danger Marianne faced, or blamed her for not protecting herself more effectively. “I felt very ashamed and responsible, but also helpless to make the stalking stop,” she says. Even when she was able to go to the police in her town, she says they were unhelpful, suggesting that she simply replace her computer or move to a new address. “I felt as though no one would understand how unsafe I was, or what I had to go through to make myself feel safe again.”

Marianne says that in the 10 years since her experience, the perception of stalking has changed significantly. “There’s more awareness now of how serious a crime it is to stalk someone,” says Marianne. Stalking, generally defined as “a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear,” is a crime in all 50 states and Washington, DC, and January is recognized as National Stalking Awareness Month.

Marianne wants those with similar experiences to feel supported. “Please do not be hard on yourself. Stalkers often purposely try to confuse you and make you feel as though you are responsible for their behavior. Don’t let anyone talk you out of taking proper care of yourself.” To overcome the after-effects of being stalked, Marianne began seeing a therapist, and also started meditating and journaling. She advises others to try a healing physical activity, such as dance or yoga.

Marianne also recommends identifying resources you have available should you discover or suspect you’re being stalked. For instance, whom would you feel comfortable talking to? Do you know where your local police station is? How much of your personal information is shared on social media? “I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to be your own best advocate,” says Marianne.

Find more information about stalking here, and at the National Center for Victims of Crime’s Stalking Resource Center.

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence, it’s not your fault. You are not alone. Help is available 24/7 through the National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-HOPE and

*All statistics via The National Center for Victims of Crime.

Child Abuse · Sexual Abuse

DA Fred Bright Responds To 14 year Old Charged With Prostitution

Response from DA Fred Bright

April Childs
Watkinsville, GA
Jan 26, 2015 — Here is the response from DA Fred Bright concerning this case.

“We fully recognize that the 14-year-old child involved is a victim. Our office does not arrest individuals and was not consulted about the case initially. From the time we first received this file, we expected no active prosecution against her and our only goal has been to obtain counseling, treatment, care, and protection, which she is now receiving. On December 1, 2014, we, along with the child and her lawyer requested, and the Juvenile Court Judge agreed and signed an order to hold her case in abeyance. That order means that her case is automatically dismissed upon successful completion of treatment, counseling, and care. These services will hopefully rehabilitate her so that she can get the help she needs.

We have reviewed the matter and met with the law enforcement officers from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and Eatonton Police Department who conducted the investigation. The State is prosecuting the adult defendants for statutory rape and related charges when appropriate. The cases against the adult offenders are expected to be presented to the next Grand Jury in Putnam County scheduled for March, 2015 for indictment. We hope these prosecutions will protect her and other youth of our communities in the future.

Yesterday, I spoke to the Attorney General and his specialist in Human Trafficking, who will be helping us with this prosecution. They applauded our efforts and told me, “you’re doing all you can.” We look forward to working with them to bring justice to this case.”

While this is great news for this specific case, it has made me aware of the greater issues of the possibility of this happening in other parts of Georgia due to gaps in victim protections in the law, as well as media presentation of human trafficking cases. I will continue to educate and advocate in those areas so that Georgia can continue to improve its treatment of victims of child sexual exploitation. Thank you all so much for your support in this issue, and good luck to those of you facing similar issues in your own states.

Child Abuse

14 year old prostitute needs help not prison *Please sign Petition*

Don’t Charge Victim Of Child Abuse 

Petitioner April Childs  Watkinsville, GA

Earlier this month, Georgia Police busted a prostitution ring involving 11 men and a 14-year-old girl. Not only do they plan to prosecute the child predators, but they have charged the 14-year-old victim with prostitution as well. Sixteen is the age of sexual consent in Georgia. District Attorney Fred Bright is charging a statutory rape victim with a crime she’s not legally old enough to commit. Help me tell him child prostitution victims need help, not prison.

My name is April Childs. I am a parent and Georgian, and I work as a forensic interviewer of children. My job entails interviewing victims of child abuse and sexual assault. I can take their testimony and transmit it to prosecutors so the victims don’t have to endure the stress and humiliation of taking the stand and seeing their accuser. I have worked with more than 500 children and helped them tell their story to officials so their abusers could be duly prosecuted. That’s why I was so shocked when I heard about Chief Kent Lawrence and District Attorney’s Bright’s plan to charge this young girl with prostitution, further victimizing her and punishing her for an act she couldn’t have legally consented to.

What the Ocmulgee Judicial Circuitplans to do with this young girl goes against any legal, therapeutic or even common sense protocol. The law–both federal and state–recognizes that children do not have the emotional capability to consent to sexual activity. As a vulnerable population, children should be protected from predatory adults, as well as helped to heal from traumas inflicted upon them. Charging a victim of statutory rape does exactly the opposite. It places blame on the victim which is counterproductive to the healing process.

Join me and tell DA Fred Bright to respect state law and human decency and refuse to prosecute the victim.


Happy Birthday To The Best Mom…I Love You

My granny did everything to help with my emotional pain. She had one child by birth but she had two children. There is no question she was my mother. I talk a lot about my gramps, granny stood at his side keeping him in line. She was shy, her father died when she was nine years old, they lost everything and truly lived day-to-day. Granny went cross-eyed at three years old. I believe this made her self-conscious.

One cherished memory is the havoc we created while she was in a wheel chair. For unknown reasons she could not walk for around two years. She was so depressed it was heartbreaking to see her fade. Granny was so straight and never the life of party. I changed a small part of her timid nature. The best way to cheer her up was a trip to the mall. I had a Corvette and her wheel chair was worst than a boat anchor. Getting the chair in the back of Corvette was not an easy job but I made it look like piece of cake. We would go to the usual stores she liked to shop. To liven things up and really throw her off, I started acting like her wheel chair was a race car. I would make racing sounds and turn corners in the clothes racks real close. When we reached the main walk ways I would start pushing her really fast making fast car noises and jump on back. We would cruise, she would say “Melinda you’re going to hit someone”, with a little laugh. I helped take her mind off life for a short period. She is in my heart everyday.

Child Abuse · Dating Violence · Domestic Violence · Mental Illness · PTSD · Rape · Sexual Abuse · Survivor

Throw Back Thursday ** Dedicated to Survivors ** You are Worthy

As my illness progresses many have offered kind words of support and prayers. Thank you for filling my heart with hope and friendship.

I’ve  met many survivors, the words take on a new meaning to me. I heard  the words in the past but didn’t hear them. Dedicated to survivors. You Are Worthy.

Lyme · Survivor · Tick Borne Illnesses

Lyme Disease Journal Entry Nine **Lyme-Winning Me-Hanging By A Thread**

This is a 6 minute video from the 2014 Gala which raises money for Lyme Disease research. Patients talk in the video about the symptoms and difficulty getting a proper diagnosis. I have tears in my eyes.

Severe gastro illness after starting second Malaria RX added

Fatigue, exhausted and frustrated

Doubled neuropathy Rx in effort to reduce pain

Full body edema, very painful

My esophagus ulcer doesn’t like two Malaria RX’s

Very painful to walk with edema

Burning sensation in arms and legs, at times like fire ants attacking

Chest pains more severe, probably from edema

Left shoulder pops when moved, feels like dislocated

Have several pressure points which light up when touched

Watching videos Lyme videos on to learn what to expect next.

Justin and Christa Vanderham were a young couple planning a wedding when life went horribly wrong. They share first hand knowledge on the website. I have no idea how both kept their faith and marriage together. The video is roughly an hours long and chronicles five years of Christa’s life. I cry watching her pain every time, it’s a video no one should miss.

Lyme · Tick Borne Illnesses

Have You Ever Given Yourself A Shot? I Gave Myself The First Of Many Today




Lyme Meds

This hurdle has been on my mind for days. I’m not afraid of needles, it’s the thought of drawing the med out of bottle then injecting into my stomach. I cleared the hurdle with room to spare. I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease last week, it’s been a whirlwind of new meds, supplements and schedules. I will post more after I adjust to the meds, right now I’m so out of it. I also plan to document the long journey. If one person avoids this crippling disease, every post and struggle is worth it. For all of you who pray, please pray for me. I’m in extreme pain and the journey is long. Thank you.



Texas Teenager Facing Life in Prison for Baking Marijauana Brownies

There’s a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it:

Jana Duty: You promised to “restore integrity to the Williamson County District Attorney’s office” & use alternative sentencing. Reduce Jacob’s charges to misdemeanor possession.

By Robert Butler
Round Rock, Texas

Jacob Lavoro is a teenager facing life in prison for baking marijuana brownies in Round Rock, Texas. He’s a young man who has never been in trouble with the law before, and has always been a great kid who we love very much. I live in the same city as Jacob Lavoro and I felt a responsibility to help stand up for him. Our county has a history of excessively punishing minor crimes or even innocent people to “send a message” that has little do with justice or the best interests of the community. In this case, the sentencing rules are being abused and stretched to increase a punishment that does not fit the allegations. The police apparently included the full weight of the brownies: flour, sugar, water, etc and the plastic containers that held them to determine the weight of the illegal hash oil used to bake the brownies. If our petition can convince Jana Duty, the District Attorney in Williamson County, to follow through on her campaign promises to clean up Williamson County’s justice system and offer alternative sentencing options then we hope that there will be justice for Jacob Lavoro and that county residents can breathe easier under a less oppressive atmosphere. If Jacob Lavoro receives a harsh sentence, it will destroy this young man’s life and leave a permanent mark of injustice in Williamson County, Texas. Please join us today to stand up against unfair sentencing and ruining a young man’s life. Sign and share the petition today!


Please go to to sign Robert’s Petition.


Abuse · Bullying · Caregiver · Family · Moving Forward · Survivor · Therapy

Non-Violent 1st Time Drug Offender Spends *Life in Jail Without Parole*

 There’s a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it:

My name is Heather Minor and on February 6, 2001, when I was 7 years old, my life took a horrible turn when my father was sentenced to life in prison for a nonviolent drug offense. Without clemency from President Obama, he will die in prison.

When my father, Ricky Minor, was given his sentence I didn’t realize I was about to begin a journey that would become a new “normal” way of life for me – growing up without a father. Even though my dad was a first time nonviolent drug offender, under mandatory minimum sentencing laws he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. On that same day, my mother was also arrested. My whole world as I knew it was completely destroyed. At the age of seven, both of my parents were taken away from me, and from that point forward I was raised by my elderly grandparents.

I am now 21 years old, the first in my family to graduate from high school, and taking additional classes to improve my life. However, while I am trying to make the best of my life, the realization that my father will die alone in prison is too much for me to fathom. My father was suffering from a drug addiction and trying to cope with it. He was not some “big time” drug dealer, but an addict struggling to support his habit who was a victim of an overly harsh and inflexible mandatory sentencing structure.

Even the sentencing federal judge hesitated to impose the life sentence. As my dad said at his hearing, “rapists, murderers and child molesters will be set free before me…where is the justice in that?”

My dad has now served over 14 years of his sentence – most of it over 700 miles from my home. I have grown from a small child to an adult only seeing him once or twice a year due to limited funds for travel and taxing health issues of my grandparents. The only opportunity I had to form a relationship with my dad was through weekly phone calls and occasional letters. It is heartbreaking.

I just want a chance to get to know my dad like every other daughter. Even though I know and he knows what he did was wrong, I think he has served more than enough to compensate for the crime he committed. He has paid the price of his crimes…but so have I, and I didn’t do anything wrong other than be a victim of parents with a drug addiction. He has completely rehabilitated himself by obtaining his GED, furthering his education, drug free and very health conscious including his diet and physical activities.

You can go to and sign online. Thanks. 
