
What is on your Bucket List?

Toys for Tots Harley Run
Toys for Tots Harley Run

I had a small Bucket List in my head for years, more detailed one on my computer, this week I jumped head first in the deep end. I even added a tab on blog for others to see. Please share, I love hearing your goals. We can support each other thru the storm. The Lyme Disease has taken a toll on the great attitude I started with. Dreaming and writing list put some fire back in the belly. We all have our struggles and thought I would share with you. It’s another night past 2AM and to sick to sleep. Writing doesn’t make me feel better but it gives me a kick in the ass and I needed it. 

There’s an unlimited amount to learn, see, give back and baggage to let go of. My first Bucket List now started and written down. I’m a strong believer, if you can feel and see the goal, you can do it. This lesson proved true throughout my business career. I’m fighting hard against Lyme Disease. I’m going to live a full life, adding experiences which expand my soul and support others. 

A sincere thank you and big hug for all the well wishes. I love hearing from you, you bring a smile on days when there are none. It will take a while but “I’ll Be Back”.   XO Warrior


Tango Lessons

Visit Germany where my family lived before coming to America

Dive again, in 1999 I had panic attack and have not tackled fear

Enjoy Argentinian Wine Country, Twin P will escort me

Be a RAINN Advocate Speaker for Child Abuse and Rape

Volunteer for RAINN to offer support to women while going thru Rape Kit process

Currently starting charity focused on children’s education, providing basic supplies to women/children in shelters and growing community awareness

Provide pastoral support as Ordained Minister with a focus on dying children and the elderly.

Swim with Manatees, Dolphins and Sharks, Sharks only while in cage.

Ride a Camel and Elephant in native environment, treated ethically.

See every inch of Australia. Australia is several countries in one.

Hot air balloon ride French country side.

See coral reef bleaching on Great Barrier Reef, why bleaching? Natural, overfishing or chemical.

Visit countries safe for American women traveling alone. To build confidence, I like to travel alone to foreign destinations. Germany, Istanbul, India, Dubai, Alaska, a good start.

Learn to rescue animals who coexist in our neighborhoods, like ducks, rabbits, owls, bobcats and coyotes.

See fine Turkish rugs being made

Uganda to see Silver Back Gorillas

My organs save a life

I think seeing photos of past adventures will jack up my motivation.

Church of the Spilled Blood  St. Petersburg, Russia
Church of the Spilled Blood    St. Petersburg, Russia
Gulf Shores, Alabama
Gulf Shores, Alabama
Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House

45 thoughts on “What is on your Bucket List?

    1. I’ll give you a jingle when start making plans. I love France, what little I’ve seen. Loved the countryside around winery!!!!! I don’t know the language, who need words. The cellars awesome, could think of all the bottles passing thru over the years. The Champagne is one of my favorites.
      Avower? Does that mean goodbye?

  1. Dear Twin,
    I’m finally catching up!
    So Argentinian wine country with me it is!! And German wine by the pond. And if we still have time, lets do the TransSiberian. The 11 days’ trip.
    You know some of the items on my bucket list. I never wrote them down as a list. Maybe one day I’ll do it 🙂

    1. If you don’t see the goals and make a plan to get them done, it won’t happen. I like all of your ideas. A bucket List will show you dreams you have and show others another side of you.
      Twin M

  2. This is very cool! I have Lupus, and originally the doc thought it was chronic EBV. I should make a bucket list…although I might need to use a wheelbarrow. 🙂

    1. I may need someone to carry me or push wheel chair but I’m going to work it. It motivates me when I get down about my inactive life. I felt like I was giving up a list will keep me focused. Good luck. Post your list when you’re ready, I’ve had lots of positive feedback.

      1. I will! Thanks for the inspiration. Quick question (you may have addressed it in your blog, but I didn’t see it…however, I’m the world’s worst for missing important points…), how long ago were you bitten? How long before the symptoms? My brother had Lyme Disease when we were kids; in fact, back then it was either rare or newly discovered because we were out of town and the hospital we went to happened to have a doctor who knew what it was. Otherwise they said it would have gotten really bad. After perusing your blog, I’m wondering if he’s in danger of relapse at some point.

        1. Hi Casey
          I don’t know exactly when bitten since I did not get rash. I started having strange symptoms and then other strange symptoms. I spent over a year with a Neurologist going thru every test and no answer. I’m very interested in learning about what is wrong with me so I started taking the strangest problem and found where several diseases had similar symptoms. I could make a few off, then took a wild guess it was Lyme. When I saw the Lyme doctor already in chronic state. Life is hell and some days just crap. You are very familiar with Lupus the same up and down. I’m know Lyme expert but if your brother has not had a relapse since a child they must have filled the virus. You can find out more about my Lyme journey by reading my Lyme Journal Entry post. Probably worth the read just because of the huge divide in medical community. If you got Lyme today you could go on short therapy, have it come back and possibly kill you. Or you can get Lyme Literate Doctors who treat for a long time, sometimes years but chances of recovery good. Tick borne illnesses attack major organs so every person is different. My brain was the target, I’ve had a great deal of cognitive loss and like any organ damaged, doctors can’t tell you if you’ll come back 100%. I’m actually lucky, other organs have a larger impact. I carried on much longer than you wanted to know. How long have you had Lupus? I have meet some great people on WP with the same illness or questions. It really is a resource.
          Have a great day.

          1. Thanks so much for the information –we will DEFINITELY be using the “good stuff” to keep the bugs away this summer. I had no idea.

          2. I don’t care for DEET but that is what works and what all the top Lyme doctors will tell you. Also tuck pants in socks and wear long sleeve shirts. That’ not going to happen in heat of summer but there are many sunscreens with DEET and checking for ticks is number one. The nymph ticks that jump on us are about the size of rice! Hard to find. Take care.

          3. I’m with you but I’d rather use it than get sick…or in my case, sicker. 🙂 Our son gets horrible mosquito bite reactions, so even in the dead heat of summer he has to wear pants…so that’s a plus in the war on ticks…

          4. Mesquitos, bees and various other critters can carry the tick borne illnesses if they have bitten an infected animals. It’s crazy. I have an article to post where a new tick born illness was found in Arkansas. Yet the CDC will not acknowledge chronic Lyme. Doctors who treat Lyme patients properly risk getting called before the Medical Board. Doesn’t make sense to me.

          5. That’s just insane. I never thought about a mosquito biting a tick before. Also crazy about the CDC. Maybe you should start a petition on or something…not sure if it would help, but it might…

          6. I still have a year or two of battling Lyme. That’s why it’s so important for me to share everything I know. It’s not talked about in most of US. I knew very little until I was diagnosed.
            Take care.

          7. There is so much unknown. I will probably have neuropathy and cognitive disfunction. They just don’t know. I have three tick borne illnesses and EBV attacking my body. The Lyme is camping out in my brain and impacting my memory. Nothing is sure until it’s over. And by over I do mean you can die from. That is why I don’t write as often because all of the joints in my body have Lyme arthritis and some days are lay on couch days. I figure I’m to tough to kill, after all I’ve lived thru, Lyme isn’t going to kick my but.

          8. My father in law has neuropathy and he has these gloves that vibrate–he said they really help. I’m actually thinking of getting a pair to help with the joint pain. It’s NOT a tens unit (which was my concern). He let me try them, and they’re awesome. Also, have you thought about using a voice-dictating system? I have another blogger friend who is blind, and that’s what he does. I’ve thought about it for the icky days, but usually when my hands hurt that bad, so does the rest of me…

          9. I’ve had the Dictate software for ages and to lazy to install. When the pain is enough it will happen. I don’t like to learn new mundane stuff, just the fun stuff. I added a couple of photos to my Bucket List and working on a couple more. I’ve been very blessed to travel before getting ill. I’m 51 so I thought a couple of photos of my stunts would keep me motivated. Thanks for the info on the gloves I’ll have to check out. I haven’t been driving for almost a year so it’s hard to see what’s out there and if will work. I want to try the Tommy Copper product for my knees, they are the worst everyday. So much of the time it’s to tight so I’ve been in no rush.

          10. One of my friends has a TC sleeve and said it’s amazing. Good luck–let me know if you end up trying that. I’m always skeptical…like the “magnet” therapy…some people swear by it, but it didn’t do anything for me.

          11. Casey
            I’m a founding member of http://www.survivorsbloghere.wp, we’re a collaborative of like minded writers with different backgrounds. If you want to interview someone on adoption. I have tremendous respect for Sharon Greene @ 4 times and counting. She did a post on interracial adoption two weeks ago and it is one hot topic. She has had breast cancer four times, divorced and raising the kids. It was a true eye opener. I don’t have children but my heart ached for her and more for the kids who catch so much BS. Another lady in our group is Maria @ yogamamma. She is also raising three kids and I believe one is biracial. I haven’t read enough to get the goal of the adoption topic. They are great ladies. You can reach them thru the group site or directly. If you have to pick one for time reasons go with Sharon. I haven’t met many people as strong as her with the most positive and leader attitude. Just don’t steal her away from me.

          12. 🙂 No stealing, I promise. You’re right–she’s awesome; we’ve been in contact for a while. I will definitely check out the site! Right now, my goal is to interview adult adoptees, but at some point I imagine it will branch out to include adoptive parents as well.

    2. Casey
      You can do anything your heart burns for. Who cares if a wheel barrow is needed, the list is for your life fulfillment not others. I added a couple of photos of adventures before Lyme to keep me motivated.
      Have a great day.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I’m a dreamer/goal oriented person and on bad days the list gives me hope. It gives me strength that I’m going to make it and will have time to work on list. None of know how long we have but I want to fight hard until the end.
      Have a great day. Hope your body is healing and your on the way to good health.

  3. A wonderful list of dreams to fulfill M! I have only one item on my list. There is nothing left for me to do. I completed my bucket list long ago except for this last wish. I wish that when I can no longer dream it’s because I’m no longer here. In those dreams are infinite things that beckon me to them and for me, there can be no greater life than that.

    1. D
      I agree your dream is the ultimate, however as the days come to a close the memories are ours.
      Now I’ll call BS, I don’t believe you’ve done everything on your list. You’re jaded and maybe your list was to short. I respect and care for you deeply as a friend, you have more to do or give. The list can include projects or support for future generations. You love your grandkids, think how much knowledge us older folk can share. No electronic device can teach what’s in your head. Time to think about maybe a different type of list.
      Email my with your argument/reply.

        1. D
          I know you, you of all people have no more dreams or goals? I know different. You’re not dead yet. What about the awesome hike! You don’t have to write them for anyone but you. I know you have them in your logical mind and heart.

  4. There are some great, do-able things on there. The hot air balloon is one I’m still working on..I keep dropping hints to the family re: Christmas gifting. Might have to go do it for myself. Love your travel dreams…hope you can make them happen !! Hugs to you. Van

    1. Hi Van
      I have had a great life and had chances to travel to beautiful places. I am the dare devil in my family. I took a balloon ride locally one year for my birthday. If all you see is cows and sunset it’s beautiful to me. I love France, that’s a true dream ride. I am one of those people who want to try everything once but I thought it would look ego centric to keep going. My ex husband always gave me adventures for gifts, memories last a lifetime. I want to sit back when I’m an old fart and talk about the good old days. My health has degrading significantly in last ten years so a few goals might have to skip. I love diving and it’s one fear I have to overcome. I dove for 20 years but a panic attack almost killing myself and dive partner is a more difficult hurdle. You want a great high do a tandem parachute jump. AWESOME!!!!! A photographer got some of the greatest shots.
      Take care.

      1. Wow…sounds like you already have a lot of adventure to cherish in the “old fart” years. 20 years of diving…fascinating. I have considered the tandem jump. Thanks for the tip. I know there are health issues holding you down. Hopeful that it won’t be for long. Be Well, M. and cherish the memories. Van

  5. Peace be upon you dear Melinda,
    See fine Turkish rugs being made…woow 🙂 This is my mother’s job.i hope that you will visit to my country,may all your dreams turn into reality in 2015 🙂 i wanting to go to Umrah and i save some money for the purpose of performing Umrah in Ramadhaan,InşaAllah .!!

    may Allah take care of you ….<3

    1. Sister Semra
      So good to hear from you. I deeply appreciate the love/hard work to make a Turkish rug. I have one fine run and some day maybe have chance to buy another. The intricate work, the finest details perfectly. I hope you mother loves her job and gives her great pride.
      I am not familiar with Umrah or the type of dancing performed there. I love to watch dancing from other countries. I like to watch the dancers in the videos you’ve sent, there is such intense emotion in the eyes. I pray the day comes when I can travel to most of the middle east, my one true dream. I have wanted to see Jordan for over 20 years, visiting Petra is a blessing itself. I love to see the traditions of the cultures and many places welcome Americans with a smile. Life must be hard for many people in several countries. I think of the Middle East often and pray for peace.
      Have a great day and I hope your family is doing well.
      May God and Allah Bless us both

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