Celebrate Life · Friday Quote · Fun

Friday Quote

It’s Friday!

So glad you are here today and I enjoy all your comments.

This quote is so true in my own life. If I had not have said hello to David, who knows, would we be together 20 years now?

See the source image

I hope you have a great weekend with friends and family making memories that will last a lifetime.


12 thoughts on “Friday Quote

    1. Thank you. A smile is like a magic door, you never know what’s behind it. Getting ready for my surgery on Tuesday. It’s crazy but I want to do a pedicure before because there’s no telling when I will be able to reach my left foot for a while.

      1. I’ll be praying all goes well with your surgery…. And it makes perfect sense to me that you want to get a pedicure before your surgery.😊 I hope all goes well and you have a quick, complete recovery.