Health & Beauty · Health and Wellbeing

Homemade Makeup Remover Pads

Photo by Ingrid Gomes on

Willow and Sage by Stampington


You Will Need

Yields about 14 cotton pads

2 TB. witch hazel

1 TB. aloe vera gel

1 TSP. sweet almond oil

1/4 TSP. Castile soap

4-oz jar with lid

14 cotton facial pads

To Make

Add the ingredients to a 4 oz jar. Gently shake the jar to combine ingrediants. Add the cotton facial pads to the jar, pressing the pads down into the liguid. The pads will absorb most (or all) of the liquid. Secure lidon the jar and store at room teperuture.

To Use

Remove the moistened facial pad from jar and wipe your face with both sides of the pad to remove makeup. Wash your face with facial cleanser after using the wipes. Since the solution only contains 14 facial pads you’ll need to make a new solution every two weeks.

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