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10 Most Popular Superfoods

Over the years, you might have heard the term ‘superfood’ used increasingly. But what really does it mean? Well, in simple terms, these are foods that are packed with nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, and so are associated with positive impacts on your health. But how do you know what superfoods to eat then? 

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The thing is, you may currently include a good number of superfoods in your diet without even knowing, so this list of the 10 most popular superfoods has been put together so that you are made away of well-known superfoods, as well as to inform you about some superfoods that you may not be familiar with. 

1. Eggs

Eggs are one of those foods that have stood the test of both time and criticism. No doubt, they are pretty healthy and come loaded with very high-quality proteins. More than that, eggs contain a plethora of minerals and vitamins, some of which include vitamin A, B vitamins, choline, and iron. They also contain two very powerful antioxidants, namely zeaxanthin and lutein, which are known for protecting vision and boosting eyesight. That being said, if you are having issues with your vision, don’t hesitate to visit for some more information. 

2. Dark leafy greens

A lot of people aren’t fans of dark leafy greens, but they’re one of the best superfoods to exist. These types of greens contain several nutrients that the body needs to heal, including zinc, iron, magnesium, fiber, and vitamin C. More so, dark leafy greens have earned their place in the superfoods hall of fame. They might also help reduce your risks of suffering from chronic illnesses such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Some examples of these dark leafy greens are kale, spinach, collard greens, and Swiss chard which can be incorporated into your diet via smoothies, soups, and salads. 

3. Berries

Many of us who love berries are unaware of the amazing effects that eating them have on the body. For one, berries are very rich in vitamins and minerals as well as certain antioxidants. In fact, berries are particularly effective when it comes to treating digestive issues and are often used in modern medical therapies. Examples of these fruits include blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries. You can eat them as they are, or add them to smoothies and desserts. 

4. Avocado

Simply put, avocados are great. Yes, they’re good for guacamole, but more than that, this superfood is very rich in healthy fats that keep you feeling full for longer. It also comes packed with antioxidants and fiber that all work to protect against heart diseases. Additionally, this food is can be eaten even on a diet and is even recommended on the Keto diet. Delicious ways to incorporate avocado in your diet include serving it on your morning toast to adding it as an essential ingredient to smoothies and salads. 

5. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are tiny, black seeds that have taken the health industry by storm over the past few years. No doubt, these seeds pack a powerful punch when it comes to nutrition. Firstly, they contain pretty much all the essential minerals including calcium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. In addition, vitamin B1, B2, and B3 are also available in abundance. More so, 28 grams of chia seeds contain 11 grams of fiber and just one gram of digestible carbohydrates, making it one of the most suitable foods out there for a low carb diet. 

6. Coconut

When it comes to versatile foods, coconuts are out there at the top. They can be consumed as coconut water, coconut oil, coconut flour, coconut flakes, and even just coconut meat. More so, this super food can easily be incorporated into your diet without any headache. 

That said, in terms of what makes it so ‘super’ coconut oil especially contains medium-chain triglycerides, which are used as a source of energy once in the body. Furthermore, coconut water is high in vitamins and minerals including potassium, magnesium, sodium, and vitamin C.On top of this, coconut flour is low in gluten and carbs and can be used for baking and desserts. 

7. Flax seeds

Flax seeds are one of those foods that didn’t become popular until recently. These seeds contribute towards a healthy heart as they come packed with omega 3 fatty acids that work as anti-inflammatory agents. More som flax seeds can be added to your salads and smoothies by grinding them into a semi fine powder. That being said, they do have other uses apart from consumption. In fact, flax seeds also come in handy as a home remedy for hair growth. 

8. Hemp seeds

Yet another super seed is hemp seed. This is a great source of healthy proteins and contains omega 3 and omega 3 fats; both of which work together to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the body. More recent studies also associate hemp seeds with relieving the symptoms of menopause in women. For consumption, these seeds are typically toasted lightly and then added to foods like salads, oatmeal, and cereal. 

9. Salmon

When next you go grocery shopping, be sure to pick up some salmon. This fish is rich in healthy oils that are a great source of energy and contains inflammation reducing omega 3 fats. More so, this fish is packed with wildly sourced protein that can provide you with almost 60 percent of your daily recommended protein intake. It also contains vitamin D as well as bioactive peptides that help in collagen production. 

10. Cocoa nibs

Cocoa nibs are essentially just healthier chocolates. These foods range from really sweet to very bitter, so you get to choose just how you like it. More so, it is a great source of fiber and it also contains a good amount of iron and magnesium. More than that, research has shown that eating cocoa nibs can help elevate your mood and brain activity. As for preparation, they can be used in desserts, smoothie bowls, or just on their own as a nice snack.

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In Health,


13 thoughts on “10 Most Popular Superfoods

  1. I love eggs and recently discovered kale… any ideas on how to eat it without blending it into a smoothie? I tried that, not really a smoothie kinda girl.
    But I’m trying to take my diet more seriously now

    1. I”m doing the same, even on an rx to lose weight. My goal is 20 pounds. Kale is well sauteed with garlic in a skillet. With very little olive oil and a hot pan, it wilts fast and tastes great. I love smoothies just dislike having to clean the blender every day.

      1. Does it by any chance work in salads and sandwiches? I’m not at an unhealthy weight or anything just trying to shed some extra lbs from an rx (go figure) I heard kale is good for health and shaping up. I tried a smoothie recently with kale in it; I like it I just don’t care for smoothies, maybe it’s the texture?

        1. I don’t care for green smoothies, too hardcore for me. Kale is slightly bitter and not the best for sandwiches but if you mixed it with other greens it would work ok. Just cut it into small peices.

  2. I’ve been making a lot of smoothies lately, usually with banana and peanut butter, and just discovered how much creamier they are with avocado. Berries are great, too, especially when you can get them organic. Seems like I’ve read that the berries are still valuable even if not organic.

    1. I eat an organic fruit smoothie every day. It’s so easy and healthier than I was eating. I save all the leftover bananas and put them in the freezer to make with PB and honey. He loads me up on fruit on Sunday, I clean and freeze everything and then just add some honey and almond milk for a quick lunch. I love most all fruit so I lucky that way.

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