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Clean Your Air With A Homemade Oil Diffuser

Willow & Sage by Stampington

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


Clean Your Air With A Homemade Oil Diffuser


 What You Need

Wooden diffuser sticks or other suitable decorative stick

Lavender essential oil

Tea Tree essential oil

Fractionated Coconut oil

Glass bottle

Blend essential oils into fractionated coconut oil at a ratio of about 1-4, fill the glass bottle halfway, and insert sticks.

Use a bottle with the smallest opening possible, and use as many sticks as you can fit into the opening. This will discourage oil from evaporating quickly through the bottle opening and encourage it to evaporate more slowly through diffuser sticks.

Display the diffuser far away from sunlight, strong lights, and excessive heat to increase the longevity of the oil blend, or display closer to these things for a stronger and shorter diffuser.

The gifts we make ourselves are the ones that come from the heart.


Repost from 2020

11 thoughts on “Clean Your Air With A Homemade Oil Diffuser

  1. It already afffected mine. That’s why i always do researchband try them and write about them in my blogs. Now nothing Trigggers it it just happen and no pill can stop it i have to lay until it goes down

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