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Why It’s Imperative To Read All Data Breach Letters *Beware!

When I wrote about Data Breaches and Identity Theft in the past I  never dreamed it would happen to me. These breaches are happening every day and our identity is at risk if enough personal information is released.

I’ve received many of these letters as I’m sure you have to, they are getting more sophisticated and you must know what exact information was released. In the past companies were pretty vague about what data is missing but I think the laws may have changed.

The letters that followed included what type of information was taken which is essential.

Two weeks ago I received a letter from Orsini Pharmaceuticals that all of my private information was involved in the breach! Wow, I a waiting target for Identify Theft. If I had not read the fine print my life could have been ruined by Identity theft.

I have spent hours every day since receiving the letter alerting the necessary companies, changing every password, some I had to change my user name as well. I will look over my shoulder from now on.

I haven’t heard of this company and after a visit to their website, it was clear I had not taken any of their medications. WTF! Why did they have my info in the first place? Did someone share it with them or did they buy the list?

I started reading the press releases about the breach and found that the breach happened three months ago but I’m just hearing about it. Interestingly many people were offered 1-2 years paid protection but I wasn’t. Lawsuits are flying in every direction, that is a thought for another day.

My plan is to write Tom Cappetta, Vice President, Pharmacy Operations, and ask him several questions, most importantly why they had my information. It’s a question I deserve to know yet will not get an answer on. I’m also asking for 2 years of total protection.

We’ll see where the letter takes me.


6 thoughts on “Why It’s Imperative To Read All Data Breach Letters *Beware!

  1. I’ve found some big data breaches reported in the news are talked about like they’ve just happened, but they were months ago too. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with all of this. It’s quite unnerving, isn’t it? I get notifications from Apple about passwords that might be at risk at they’ve featured in data breaches. It’s pretty much every damn password from every site I’ve used (it’s a lot). It’s just insane. I wonder how that pharma company got your details in the first place then.. maybe another company sold your data to them? xx

    1. That’s my guess! Now let’s talk about YOU!!!!!! Please take a few minutes and em an update on your surgery. how you are feeling and how the sale and move went. I miss talking to you but forget to send an em. Hugs. 🙂

  2. I am sorry Melinda, it is terrible experience… I’ve received a couple of those letters too but I put stuff in place years ago to protect my identity.
    I wish you the best with it.

  3. Good luck with it. I can’t say I understand the rules over there when it comes to data breach. But I imagine there are different protocols there, than where I am in the UK. You certainly deserve answers. Take care of you because it will be exhausting.

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